


一八八三年十二月,一条大鲸来到敦提,打算在那里玩几天,把银白色的河里的小鱼吃掉。就这样,这只巨鲸在美丽的小河里,在无辜的小鱼中间嬉戏,直到有一天,有人看见了它,他们决定立即抓住它。当人们知道在河里看到了一条鲸鱼时,一些人开始谈论说,我们必须试着抓住这条鲸鱼的怪物,所以加油,勇敢的孩子们,永远不要说失败。于是人们成群结队地跑了起来,决心抓住鲸鱼,找点乐子!于是小船在银色的河上下水,而深海的怪物则在嬉戏。哦!那是一幅最可怕、最美丽的景象,看它用尽力气用尾巴抽打水,用它那丑陋而有力的尾巴一抽打,使水像冰雹一样上升。于是水就落在船上的人身上,打湿了他们的裤子和衣服;但这只会使他们更坚定地抓住鲸鱼,但鲸鱼向他们摇着尾巴。这时,鲸鱼开始吹起气来,跟在它后面的人们和小艇也都跑开了,他们都装备好了标枪,准备战斗,他们毫不惊慌地向它射击。 And they laughed and grinned just like wild baboons, While they fired at him their sharp harpoons: But when struck with,the harpoons he dived below, Which filled his pursuers' hearts with woe. Because they guessed they had lost a prize, Which caused the tears to well up in their eyes; And in that their anticipations were only right, Because he sped on to Stonehaven with all his might: And was first seen by the crew of a Gourdon fishing boat Which they thought was a big coble upturned afloat; But when they drew near they saw it was a whale, So they resolved to tow it ashore without fail. So they got a rope from each boat tied round his tail, And landed their burden at Stonehaven without fail; And when the people saw it their voices they did raise, Declaring that the brave fishermen deserved great praise. And my opinion is that God sent the whale in time of need, No matter what other people may think or what is their creed; I know fishermen in general are often very poor, And God in His goodness sent it drive poverty from their door. So Mr John Wood has bought it for two hundred and twenty-six pound, And has brought it to Dundee all safe and all sound; Which measures 40 feet in length from the snout to the tail, So I advise the people far and near to see it without fail. Then hurrah! for the mighty monster whale, Which has got 17 feet 4 inches from tip to tip of a tail! Which can be seen for a sixpence or a shilling, That is to say, if the people all are willing.