


在法国掷弹兵的一个团里,多年来一直有一种动人而美丽的风俗。这是为了纪念一位逝去战友的英勇事迹,当连队集合起来参加阅兵时,点名时有一个名字没有人回答,那就是高贵的拉图尔·德·奥弗涅,法兰西第一掷弹兵,英勇而严厉;每次点名时,最年长的中士都会向前迈一步,大声喊道:“战死在战场上”,然后又回到原来的位置上。他总是拒绝升职的提议,因为他不知道如何从基层晋升;但最后他指挥了八千人,因此他被称为法国第一掷弹兵拉图尔德奥弗涅。四十岁的时候,他去拜访一个朋友,从来没有想过他会有一个法国驻军要保卫,在那里他熟悉了这个国家。但不幸的是,战争已经转移到了那个地区。但是,尽管战争已经打响,他却毫不畏惧,因为为法国而战是他唯一的愿望;当他知道有一团奥地利人正在向一个狭窄的隘口推进时,一想到这一点,他就心烦意乱。他们急匆匆地向前推进,没有拖延,距离掷弹兵所在的地方只有两个小时的路程,但当他知道后,他立即向隘口出发,决定敌人是否有可能骚扰。 He knew that the pass was defended by a stout tower, And to destroy the garrison the enemy would exert all their power; But he hoped to be able to warn the French of their danger, But to the thirty men garrisoned there he was quite a stranger. Still the brave hero hastened on, and when he came there, He found the thirty men had fled in wild despair; Leaving their thirty muskets behind, But to defend the garrison to the last he made up his mind. And in searching he found several boxes of ammunition not destroyed, And for a moment he felt a little annoyed; Then he fastened the main door, with the articles he did find, And when he had done so he felt satisfied in mind. Then he ate heartily of the provisions he had brought, And waited patiently for the enemy, absorbed in thought; And formed the heroic resolution to defend the tower, Alone, against the enemy, while he had the power. There the brave hero sat alone quite content, Resolved to hold the garrison, or die in the attempt; And about midnight his practised ear caught the tramp of feet, But he had everything ready for the attack and complete. There he sat and his mind absorbed in deep distress, But he discharged a couple of muskets into the darkness; To warn the enemy that he knew they were there, Then he heard the Austrian officers telling their men to beware. So until morning he was left unmolested, And quietly till daylight the brave Grenadier rested; But at sunrise the Austrian commander called on the garrison to surrender, But the Grenadier replied, "Never, I am its sole defender." Then a piece of artillery was brought to bear upon the tower, But the Grenadier from his big gun rapid fire on it did shower; He kept up a rapid fire, and most accurate, And when the Austrian commander noticed it he felt irate. And at sunset the last assault was made, Still the noble Grenadier felt not the least afraid; But the Austrian commander sent a second summons of surrender, Hoping that the garrison would his injunctions remember. Then the next day at sunrise the tower door was opened wide, And a bronzed and scarred Grenadier forth did glide; Literally laden with muskets, and passed along the line of troops, While in utter astonishment the Austrian Colonel upon him looks. Behold! Colonel, I am the garrison, said the soldier proudly, What! exclaimed the Colonel, do you mean to tell me -- That you alone have held that tower against so many men, Yes, Colonel, I have indeed, replied La Tour d'Auvergne. Then the Colonel raised his cap and said, you are the bravest of the brave, Grenadier, I salute you, and I hope you will find an honourable grave; And you're at liberty to carry the muskets along with you, So my brave Grenadier I must bid thee adieu. At last in action the brave soldier fell in June 1800, And the Emperor Napoleon felt sorry when he heard he was dead; And he commanded his regiment to remember one thing above all, To cry out always the brave Grenadier's name at the roll call.