


你们这些德意志的儿子们,你们高贵的威廉皇帝已经去世了。他率领大军去打仗;他的臣民都喜爱他,因为他从不引诱他们。德国人民现在有理由哀悼,他们失去了英雄,他们永远不会再见到他;但我希望他的灵魂已经逃到天堂去了,去了永永远远的乐土。他受到全欧洲上流社会和下层社会的尊敬,而全德国人民的心中都充满了悲哀;因为在战场上他是一个勇敢的英雄,然而,他是一个爱好和平的人,这是值得赞扬的。那是在1888年3月16日,和平的威廉的遗体被运到夏洛滕堡的皇家陵墓,这是他们最后的安息之地,这位敬畏上帝的人从未让他的国家蒙羞。葬礼是在大教堂里由宫廷牧师科格尔博士主持的,这句话从他嘴里说出来,感动了听众的心。最后,他在聚集在那里的国王、王子、公爵和伯爵面前背诵了主祷文。在仪式结束时,外面的步兵连发扫射,大教堂里的人们感到悲伤,火枪的声音响彻耳际,以纪念他们最敬爱的杰出的威廉。 Then there was a solemn pause as the kings and princes took their places, Whilst the hot tears are trickling down their faces, And the mourners from shedding tears couldn't refrain; And in respect of the good man, above the gateway glared a bituminous flame. Then the coffin was placed on the funeral car, By the kings and princes that came from afar; And the Crown Prince William heads the procession alone, While behind him are the four heirs-apparent to the throne. Then followed the three Kings of Saxony, and the King of the Belgians also, Together with the Prince of Wales, with their hearts full of woe, Besides the Prince of Naples and Prince Rudolph of Austria were there, Also the Czarevitch, and other princes in their order I do declare. And as the procession passes the palace the blinds are drawn completely, And every house is half hidden with the sable drapery; And along the line of march expansive arches were erected, While the spectators standing by seemed very dejected. And through the Central Avenue, to make the decorations complete, There were pedestals erected, rising fourteen to fifteen feet, And at the foot and top of each pedestal were hung decorations of green bay, Also beautiful wreaths and evergreen festoons all in grand array. And there were torches fastened on pieces of wood stuck in the ground; And as the people gazed on the weird-like scene, their silence was profound; And the shopkeepers closed their shops, and hotel-keepers closed in the doorways, And with torchlight and gaslight, Berlin for once was all ablaze. The authorities of Berlin in honour of the Emperor considered it no sin, To decorate with crape the beautiful city of Berlin; Therefore Berlin I declare was a city of crape, Because few buildings crape decoration did escape. First in the procession was the Emperor's bodyguard, And his great love for them nothing could it retard; Then followed a squadron of the hussars with their band, Playing "Jesus, Thou my Comfort," most solemn and grand. And to see the procession passing the sightseers tried their best, Especially when the cavalry hove in sight, riding four abreast; Men and officers with their swords drawn, a magnificent sight to see In the dim sun's rays, their burnished swords glinting dimly. Then followed the footguards with slow and solemn tread, Playing the "Dead March in Saul," most appropriate for the dead; And behind them followed the artillery, with four guns abreast, Also the ministers and court officials dressed in their best. The whole distance to the grave was covered over with laurel and bay, So that the body should be borne along smoothly all the way; And the thousands of banners in the procession were beautiful to view, Because they were composed of cream-coloured silk and light blue. There were thousands of thousands of men and women gathered there, And standing ankle deep in snow, and seemingly didn't care So as they got a glimpse of the funeral car, Especially the poor souls that came from afar. And when the funeral car appeared there was a general hush, And the spectators in their anxiety to see began to crush; And when they saw the funeral car by the Emperor's charger led, Every hat and cap was lifted reverently from off each head. And as the procession moved on to the royal mausoleum, The spectators remained bareheaded and seemingly qu