


那是在1888年的11月19日,已故的拉夫前教务长的朋友们将永远记得这一天,因为在11月19日,他的灵魂飞到了天上的乐土,那是纯洁的乐土。总而言之,他是一个非常好的人,在他的教务长任期内,他在大不列颠无人能与之相比,我毫不畏惧地向全世界宣布这一点,因为在教务长任期内,他把酒店减少到三百家。然而,当时镇上有620家酒店,但作为禁酒运动的朋友,他确实皱眉了,因为他每天坐在法官席上,看到了酗酒的危害,所以他决心把酒店扫地出门。我看那善人这样行是对的,因为放荡的恶在神面前是可憎恶的。凡醉酒的,都是他的仇敌,也是基督国的仇敌。这国的罪是大的。已故的前教务长拉夫是邓迪禁酒协会的会长,他在这个职位上表现得非常出色;他还是苏格兰禁酒联盟多年的副主席,毫无疑问,禁酒协会的朋友们会为他的离去而流泪。因为他在苦难中解救了许多饥饿的灵魂,为此我希望上帝保佑他,因为他对敦提穷人的仁慈,还有他对禁酒事业的热爱,以及他的正直。当老人的健康状况开始恶化时,医生嘱咐他每天喝两杯酒,但他很快就看出了酒的害处,于是他退缩了,这位高贵的老族长害怕喝醉。尽管医生劝他继续喝酒,但这位戒酒运动的英雄还是拒绝了,他告诉医生他不再喝酒了,于是不久,他的灵魂就逃到了天堂,在那里一切烦恼都没有了。 I'm sure very little good emanates from strong drink, And many people, alas! it leads to hell's brink! Some to the scaffold, and some to a pauper's grave, Whereas if they would abstain from drink, Christ would them save. 'Twas on Friday afternoon, in November the 23rd day, That the funeral cortege to the Western Cemetery wended its way, Accompanied by the Magistrates, and amongst those present were- Bailie Macdonald and Bailie Black, also Lord Provost Hunter I do declare. There were also Bailie Foggie, Bailie Craig, and Bailie Stephenson, And Ex-Provost Moncur, and Ex-Provost Ballingall representing the Royal Orphan Institution; Besides there were present the Rev. J. Jenkins and the Rev. J. Masson, With grief depicted in their faces and seemingly woe-begone. There were also Mr Henry Adams, representing the Glover trade, Also Mr J. Carter, who never was afraid To denounce strong drink, and to warn the people from it to flee, While agent of the Temperance Society in Dundee. And when the funeral cortege arrived at the Western burying-ground, Then the clergyman performed the funeral service with a solemn sound; While from the eyes of the spectators fell many a tear For the late Ex-Provost Rough they loved so dear. And when the coffin was lowered into its house of clay, Then the friends of the deceased homewards wended their way, Conversing on the good qualities of the good man, Declaring that the late Ex-Provost Rough couldn't be equalled in Great Britain.