


那是在1884年,9月20日,星期六,邓迪的居民将永远记住这一天。那次伟大的自由公民权示威使他们心中充满了钦佩。哦!这是一场最壮观的表演,看到大约两三万名士兵排成大阵;每个人胸前都佩戴着勋章;队伍中的每个人都穿上了自己最好的衣服。游行者的横幅非常壮观——这样的场面在邓迪已经很久没见过了;当乐队的美妙音乐划破天空时,每个游行的人都决心投票给特许经营权。当游行队伍经过每条街道时,观众大声向游行队伍致意;当他们看到他们美丽的旗帜在风中飘扬时,他们宣称这样的场景将永远在他们的脑海中鲜活。游行队伍的集结非常壮观,沿着滨海大道,每个人都站好了自己的位置,当他们排成大阵时,他们匆忙地向莫德林草地走去。 And when they arrived on the Magdalen Green, I'm sure it was a very beautiful imposing scene- While the cheers of that vast multitude ascended to the skies, For the "Grand Old Man," Gladstone, the Hero of the Franchise, Who has struggled very hard for the people's rights, Many long years, and many weary nights; And I think the "Grand Old Man" will gain the Franchise, And if he does, the people will laud him to the skies. And his name should be written in letters of gold : For he is a wise statesman- true and bold- Who has advocated the people's rights for many long years; And when he is dead they will thank him with their tears. For he is the man for the working man, And without fear of contradiction, deny it who can; Because he wishes the working man to have a good coat, And, both in town and country, to have power to vote. The reason why the Lords won't pass the Franchise Bill : They fear that it will do themselves some ill; That is the reason why they wish to throw it out, Yes, believe me, fellow citizens, that's the cause without doubt. The emblems and mottoes in the procession, were really grand, The like hasn't been seen in broad Scotland; Especially the picture of Gladstone- the nation's hope, Who is a much cleverer man than Sir John Cope. There were masons and ploughmen all in a row, Also tailors, tenters, and blacksmiths, which made a grand show; Likewise carters and bakers which was most beautiful to be seen, To see them marching from the Esplanade to the Magdalen Green. I'm sure it was a most beautiful sight to see, The like has never been seen before in Dundee; Such a body of men, and Gladstone at the helm, Such a sight, I'm sure, 'twould the Lords o'erwhelm. Oh! it was grand to see that vast crowd, And to hear the speeches, most eloquent and loud, That were made by the speakers, regarding the Franchise; While the spectators applauded them to the skies. And for the "Grand Old Man" they gave three cheers, Hoping he would live for many long years; And when the speeches were ended, the people's hearts were gay, And they all dispersed quietly to their homes without delay.