


那是在伟大的马朱巴战役之后。第二天早晨,天一亮,麦克宾船长的部下接到命令到司令部营地去,于是麦克宾船长和他的部下立即流浪出发了。在那里,蓝衫军和第58步兵团也加入了他们的行列,因为他们有不屈不挠的勇气,没有人能谴责他们;那支勇敢的小乐队受命埋葬他们的死者,这支小乐队总共大约有一百人。他们得到了一面白旗,这是死亡的象征,然后他们屏住呼吸,向奥尼尔的农场出发,他们的战友昨晚被留在那里,他们躺在血泊中,浑身发抖,哦!多么可怕的景象啊。当他们到达马朱巴山脚下时,他们被一群布尔人拦住了,但他们并没有恶意,布尔人毫不沮丧地问他们想要什么,当他们说,他们死了,就没有再拖延了。然后勇敢的英雄们毫不畏惧地前进,到马朱巴山去收集和埋葬他们的死者;看到他们爬上马朱巴山,那是一幅可怕的景象,在漆黑的夜晚更是如此。马朱巴岛上有一排死人,大约有四五十人。还有许多伤员躺在地上,当麦克宾船长一行人凝视着他们的时候,他们感到深深的悲痛。 Oh, heaven! what a sight of blood and brains! While the grass was red all o'er with blood-stains; Especially at the edge of the Hill, where the 92nd men were killed, 'Twas there that the eyes of Macbean's party with tears filled, When they saw their dead and dying comrades in arms, Who were always foremost in the fight during war's alarms; But who were now lying dead on Majuba Hill, And, alas! beyond the aid of all human skill. They then went about two hundred yards down the Hill, And collected fourteen more bodies, which made their blood run chill; And, into one grave, seventy-five bodies they buried there, All mostly 92nd men, who, I hope, are free from all care. Oh! think of that gallant British band, Who, at Majuba, made such a heroic stand, And, take them altogether, they behaved like brave men, But, alas! they were slaughtered like sheep in a pen. Poor fellows! there were few of them left to retire, Because undauntedly they faced that murderous fire, That the mighty host poured in upon them, left and right, From their numerous rifles, day and night. The conduct of the 92nd was most brave throughout, Which has always been the case, without any doubt; At least, it has been the case in general with the Highland Brigade, Because in the field they are the foremost, and seldom afraid. And to do the British justice at Majuba they behaved right well, But by overwhelming numbers the most of them fell, Which I'm very sorry to relate, That such a brave little band met with such a fate. The commanders and officers deserve great praise, Because they told their men to hold Majuba for three days; And so they did, until the most of them fell, Fighting nobly for their Queen and country they loved right well. But who's to blame for their fate I'm at a loss to know, But I think 'twas by fighting too numerous a foe; But there's one thing I know, and, in conclusion, will say, That their fame will be handed down to posterity for many a day!