


那是在阿富汗灾难性的迈万德战役中,伯克夏家族被屠杀到最后一个人;一八八〇年七月二十七日早晨,我很遗憾地告诉你,这是一幅令人遗憾的景象。阿尤布汗的军队总共有一万二千人,老实说,人数并不算少,在如此强大的力量下,伯克夏人被阿尤布汗指挥下的凶残的叛军部落,杀光了最后一个人。英军总共约有2000人,虽然人数不多,但并不令人震惊;他们是由巴罗斯将军指挥的,他是个勇敢的人,但是,唉!据说英国军队被打败了。第66伯克郡团坚不可摧,无论发生什么,决心征服或死亡,但面对压倒性的优势,并覆盖到最后,破碎和混乱的印度兵在胜利的阿富汗士兵面前快速飞行,他们的欢呼声在空中响起,但勇敢的乐队向他们的敌人倾泻致命的齐射;由于寡不敌众,又被包围,他们像成熟的谷物一样一片片倒下;英雄们仍然坚守阵地,全力冲锋。英国军队,唉! were shut up like sheep in a pen, Owing to the bad position General Burrows had chosen for his men; But Colonel Galbraith with the Berkshires held the enemy at bay, And had the Sepoys been rallied the Afghans would not have won the day. But on the Berkshires fell the brunt of the battle, For by the Afghan artillery they fell like slaughtered cattle; Yet the wild horsemen were met with ringing volleys of musketry, Which emptied many a saddle; still the Afghans fought right manfully. And on came the white cloud like a whirlwind; But the gallant Berkshires, alas! no help could find, While their blood flowed like water on every side around, And they fell in scores, but the men rallied and held their ground The brave Berkshires under Colonel Galbraith stood firm in the centre there, Whilst the shouts of the wild Ghazis rent the air; But still the Berkshires held them at bay, At the charge of the bayonet, without dismay. Then the Ghazis, with increased numbers, made another desperate charge On that red line of British bayonets, which wasn't very large; And the wild horsemen were met again with ringing volleys of musketry, Which was most inspiring and frightful to see. Then Ayoub concentrated his whole attack on the Berkshire Regiment, Which made them no doubt feel rather discontent, And Jacob's Rifles and the Grenadiers were a confused and struggling mass, Oh heaven! such a confused scene, nothing could it surpass. But the Berkshires stood firm, replying to the fire of the musketry, While they were surrounded on all sides by masses of cavalry; Still that gallant band resolved to fight for their Queen and country, Their motto being death before dishonour, rather than flee. At last the gallant British soldiers made a grand stand, While most of the officers were killed fighting hand to hand, And at length the Sepoys fled from the enclosure, panic-stricken and irate, Alas! leaving behind their European comrades to their fate. The Berkshires were now reduced to little more than one hundred men, Who were huddled together like sheep in a pen; But they broke loose from the enclosure, and back to back, Poured volley after volley in the midst of the enemy, who weren't slack. And one by one they fell, still the men fought without dismay, And the regimental pet dog stuck to the heroes throughout the day; And their cartridge pouches were empty, and of shot they were bereft, And eleven men, most of them wounded, were all that were left. And they broke from the enclosure, and followed by the little dog, And with excitement it was barking savagely, and leaping like a frog; And from the field the last eleven refused to retire, And with fixed bayonets they charged on the enemy in that sea of fire. Oh, heaven! it was a fearful scene the horrors of that day, When I think of so many innocent lives that were taken away; Alas! the British force were massacred in cold blood, And their blood ran like a little rivulet in full flood. And the Ghazis were afraid to encounter that gallant little band At the charge of the bayonet : Oh! the scene was most grand; And the noble and heroic eleven fought on without dismay, Until the last man in the arms of death stiff and stark lay.