


那是在1858年10月14日,一个仓库发生了一场大火,大火持续了几个小时;仓库现已被拆毁,由位于格拉斯哥市布坎南街的威利希尔公司占有。大火在下午三点左右爆发,爆发的消息很快就传开了;观众的脸上表现出恐惧和惊愕;当消息像闪电一样传到消防队的时候。当消防队到达火灾现场时,无情的火焰越升越高,在街道上的所有楼层狂暴地肆虐,不到二十分钟,这座建筑就被燃烧的热量摧毁了。接着,屋顶塌了下来,把前面的墙都掀了出来,它发出的巨大的撞击声吓坏了所有的观众,因为它把邻近的建筑物都震到了地基上,在全城引起了极大的轰动。有几个人被倒下来的墙弄伤了,旁观者看着它,心都吓了一跳;但是这些可怜的家伙勇敢地忍受着,没有发出一声呻吟,他们以最快的速度被送回了家。消防队员们试图在起火的建筑物上玩耍,但是,唉! their efforts were unfortunately frustrated, Because they were working the hose pipes in a building occupied by Messrs Smith & Brown, But the roof was fired, and amongst them it came crashing down. And miraculously they escaped except one fireman, The hero of the fire, named Robert Allan, Who was carried with the debris down to the street floor, And what he suffered must have been hard to endure. He travelled to the fire in Buchanan Street, On the first machine that was ordered, very fleet, Along with Charles Smith and Dan. Ritchie, And proceeded to Brown & Smith's buildings that were burning furiously. And 'in the third floor of the building he took his stand Most manfully, without fear, with the hose in his hand, And played on the fire through a window in the gable With all his might, the hero, as long as he was able. And he remained there for about a quarter of an hour, While from his hose upon the building the water did pour, When, without the least warning, the floor gave way, And down he went with it: oh, horror! and dismay! And with the debris and flooring he got jammed, But Charlie Smith and Dan. Ritchie quickly planned To lower down a rope to him, without any doubt, So, with a long pull and a strong pull, he was dragged out. He thought he was jammed in for a very long time, For, instead of being only two hours jammed, he thought `twas months nine, But the brave hero kept up his spirits without any dread Then he was taken home in a cab, and put to bed. Oh, kind Christians! think of Robert Allan, the hero man For he certainly is a hero, deny it who can? Because, although he was jammed, and in the midst of the flame, He tells the world fearlessly he felt no pain. The reason why, good people, he felt no pain Is because he put his trust in God, to me it seems plain, And in conclusion, I most earnestly pray, That we will all put our trust in God, night and day. And I hope that Robert Allan will do the same, Because He saved him from being burnt while in the flame; And all that trust in God will do well, And be sure to escape the pains of hell.