


1885年3月22日,阿拉伯人像山间的激流般奔涌而来,迅速袭击了奥尼尔将军的运输船泽勒巴,但很快他们就被迫撤退了。在突然的惊喜中,男人被带走了,骆驼,骡子和马也被成千上万埋伏的阿拉伯人弄得乱七八糟,但是我们勇敢的英国英雄们把敌人挡在了海湾里。有一大群骆驼互相挤在一起,又踢又叫,许多骆驼在草地上互相踩踏,被这一团乱糟糟的骆驼压得喘不过气来。那情景简直难以形容,令人作呕,一群无辜的野兽僵直地躺在那里,冰凉冰凉,他们呻吟的哭声听起来很可怜,后面躺着的受伤的垂死之人的哭声也是如此。然后麦克尼尔将军命令他的士兵排成一个完整的方阵,震耳欲聋的叫声和动物的尖叫确实在空气中弥漫,而奔逃的骆驼发出了可怕的喧闹声,而阿拉伯人则大喊大叫,咧嘴大笑。随后,英勇的海军陆战队员组成了广场的东侧,而灰尘和烟雾确实使空气变暗,而在西侧,伯克郡人正在战斗,用他们所有的力量稳定而冷静地射击。营里的人仍然被一大群野兽拖着走,在泽勒巴河的正面很难通过,因为那一大群野兽惊慌失措地向前冲去,使军队乱作一团。然后印第安人和蓝衣兵都背靠背地混在一起,半个小时的火苗和喧嚣声都没有减弱;只有稳定的军队才能经受住那可怕的冲击,因为面对势不可挡的军队,他们坚如磐石。阿拉伯人毫无畏惧地匍匐在动物的腿间,但是被英军的子弹杀死了很多人,他们死在了战场上,浑身是血,而骆驼垂死的呻吟声变成了可怕的咆哮。 Then General McNeill to his men did say, Forward! my lads, and keep them at bay! Come, make ready, my men, and stand to your arms, And don't be afraid of war's alarms So forward! and charge them in front and rear, And remember you are fighting for your Queen and country dear, Therefore, charge them with your bayonets, left and right, And we'll soon put this rebel horde to flight. Then forward at the bayonet-charge they did rush, And the rebel horde they soon did crush; And by the charge of the bayonet they kept them at bay, And in confusion and terror they all fled away. The Marines held their own while engaged hand-to-hand, And the courage they displayed was really very grand; But it would be unfair to praise one corps more than another, Because each man fought as if he'd been avenging the death of a brother. The Berkshire men and the Naval Brigade fought with might and main, And, thank God! the British have defeated the Arabs again, And have added fresh laurels to their name, Which will be enrolled in the book of fame. 'Tis lamentable to think of the horrors of war, That men must leave their homes and go abroad afar, To fight for their Queen and country in a foreign land, Beneath the whirlwind's drifting scorching sand. But whatsoever God wills must come to pass, The fall of a sparrow, or a tiny blade of grass; Also, man must fall at home by His command, Just equally the same as in a foreign land.