


可怜可怜的盲人的痛苦吧,因为他们几乎找不到安慰;他们走在街上,不知道脚该放在哪里。他们被剥夺了看到男人、女人或男孩的尘世乐趣;他们悲伤而孤独地走过这个世界,分不清朋友和敌人;也分不清白天和黑夜,因为他们看不见;失明的母亲看不见她的宝贝儿子,那曾是她灵魂的快乐。日日夜夜,自从她失去了宝贵的视力;对她来说,世界似乎黑暗而沉闷,她在这里找不到安慰。她曾经以读书为乐,但现在她脸色苍白,忧心忡忡。自从她失明后,一切似乎都不太对劲。大自然的面貌,带着它所有的美丽和绿色,在盲人看来就像一场梦。 All things beautiful have vanished from their sight, Which were once their heart's delight. The blind father cannot see his beautiful child, nor wife, That was once the joy of his life; That he was wont to see at morn and night, When he had his eyesight. All comfort has vanished from him now, And a dejected look hangs on his brow. Kind Christians all, both great and small, Pity the sorrows of the blind, They can but little comfort find; Therefore we ought to be content with our lot, And for the eyesight we have got, And pray to God both day and night To preserve our eyesight; To be always willing to help the blind in their distress, And the Lord will surely bless And guard us by night and day, And remember us at the judgment day.