


一八一三年四月一日,“奥斯卡”号捕鲸船在离阿伯丁不远的地方失事了;突然间起了风,刮起了一阵可怕的狂风,“奥斯卡”号和四十二名勇敢的船员一起失踪了。暴风雨来的很猛烈,但持续的时间很短,而且蔓延到很广的地区,使人们的心中充满了恐慌,它的影响是这样的,人们会长久地记住,因为在彼得黑德,一个教堂的屋顶被大风刮掉了。“奥斯卡”号加入了停泊在阿伯丁湾的其他四艘船的行列,准备毫不迟延地出发前往格陵兰,当时每艘船的船员心里都感到轻松愉快,但是,当暴风雨向他们袭来时,他们的心里却充满了沮丧。夜里一直刮西风,但突然转向东北风,拼命地刮,大雪纷飞,令人眼花缭乱,可怜的水手们心中充满了悲哀。“奥斯卡”号遭到了狂风的猛烈袭击,但船员们决心尽最大努力,即使失败也在所不惜,所以他们起锚,勇敢地出海,而聚集在一起的一大群人则鼓励他们。然而,命运多舛的“奥斯卡”号还是派了一只船靠岸,因为它的一些船员不在船上,而愤怒的大海却在咆哮,人们费了很大的劲才登上了船,为了使船平安,他们同心协力。突然,风向改变了,接着是危险的平静,船的甲板上堆满了雪;波涛汹涌的海面上涌起了强烈的涨潮,很快就变得很明显,这些人无法引导这艘船。当“奥斯卡”号向下风越漂越远的时候,勇敢的船员们努力想让它向后漂去,但他们的努力都白费了,因为风暴又开始了,而飘雪把它遮住了,观众看不见了。 And the position of the "Oscar" was critical in the extreme, And as the spray washed o'er the vessel, O what a soul-harrowing scene! And notwithstanding the fury of the gale and the blinding snow, Great crowds watched the "Oscar" as she was tossed to and fro. O heaven! it was a most heart-rending sight To see the crew struggling against the wind and blinding snow with all their might, While the mighty waves lashed her sides and angry did roar, Which to their relatives were painful to see that were standing on shore. All eagerly watching her attempt to ride out the storm, Especially their friends and relatives, who seemed very forlorn, Because the scene was awe-inspiring and made them stand aghast, For every moment seemed to be the "Oscar's" last. Oh! it was horrible to see the good ship in distress, Battling hard against wind and tide to clear the Girdleness. A conspicuous promontory on the south side of Aberdeen Bay, Where many a stout ship and crew have gone down passing that way. At last the vessel was driven ashore in the bay of Greyhope, And the "Oscar" with the elements no longer could cope. While the big waves lashed her furiously, and she received fearful shocks, Until a mighty wave hurled her among large boulders of rocks. And when the vessel struck, the crew stood aghast, But they resolved to hew down the mainmast, Which the spectators watched with eager interest, And to make it fall on the rocks the brave sailors tried their best. But, instead of falling on the rocks, it dropped into the angry tide, Then a groan arose from those that were standing on the shore side; And the mainmast in its fall brought down the foremast, Then all hope of saving the crew seemed gone at last. And a number of the crew were thrown into the boiling surge below, While loud and angry the stormy wind did blow, And the good ship was dashed to pieces from stern to stem, Within a yard or two from their friends, who were powerless to save them. Oh! it was an appalling sight to see the "Oscar" in distress, While to the forecastle was seen clinging brave Captain Innes And five of a crew, crying for help, which none could afford, Alas! poor fellows, crying aloud to God with one accord! But their cry to God for help proved all in vain, For the ship and men sank beneath the briny main, And out of a crew of forty-four men, only two were saved, But, landsmen, think how manfully that unfortunate crew behaved. And also think of the mariners while you lie down to sleep, And pray to God to protect them while on the briny deep, For their hardships are many, and hard to endure, There's only a plank between them and a watery grave, which makes their lives unsure.