


果实无果核,果肉光泽,呈清澈绿色。里面是小小的黑色圆点种子。卡其色的皮肤,想象一下毛茸茸的棕绿色毛皮,感觉就像毛毡一样。它是椭圆形的,圆润的,有点像鸡蛋形状。当用嘴唇去皮时,皮会被撕成条状。如果成熟,充满果汁,甜瓜,但酸的鹅莓几乎。半透明的种子圆点环看起来有点像香蕉的硬币片。有些生长在热带地区的核果,个头很大,形状很奇怪。一个板状的核几乎填满了芒果。我用牙齿刮掉纤维状的牙髓。 That slick round ball in avocado (fruit without juice) we call alligator pear: Plant this seedpit with care on three toothpicks over a glass of water. It can come to pass in time, that you'll see an entire avocado tree. Some fruits have stones, some seeds. Papaya's loaded with slimy black beads. Some seem seedlesslike quince (that makes your tastebuds wince.) Persimmon will be sour, astringent 'until dead ripe,' they say. Behind pomegranate's leathery rind, is a sackful of moist rubies. Pear, cantaloupe, grapefruit, guava keep their seeds hidden, as do raspberry, strawberry, pineapple. Plum, peach and cherry we know as fruits with big seedstones. And fig? Its graininess is seed. Hard to believe is prickly durian. It's custard sweetand smells nasty. But there's no fruit as tasty, as odd, or as funny none as fresh-off-the-vine New Zea- land kiwi.