

  • 时间1723 - 1810
  • 的地方阿格拉
  • 国家印度


Syed Amanullah Meer Taqi是苏菲派圣人Meer Muttaqi的独子。当米尔还是个孩子的时候,他的父亲看着他的脸总是说,这是你内心燃烧的火焰,反映在你的脸上。苏菲派是真主的爱好者,所以他认为这是对真主的爱之火。小小年纪就生活在苏菲主义的氛围中,这对米尔产生了深远的影响。他对世俗的东西没有太多的欲望。在弥留之际,他的父亲告诉米尔:“选择爱的道路。”没有爱的生活是一种折磨,在爱中迷失自己的心才是真正的艺术。虽然这条道路充满了困难,但爱是驱动世界的动力。”这是米尔在其大部分作品中所体现的哲学。在他11岁的时候,他父亲去世后,他被照料他的人抛弃了。 His elder step-brother also treated him badly. Meer left Agra for Delhi in search of livelihood . Samsamudaula gave him a scholarship of one rupee per day, but this did not continue for long because in 1739, Nadir Shah attacked Delhi in which Samsamudaula was killed. At that time Meer was in Agra. After staying in Agra for few days, Meer again went to Delhi. In Delhi, he stayed in the home of Khan Arzoo, who was the maternal uncle of Meer's step-brother Hafiz Muhammad Hasan. Muhammad Hassan wrote a letter to his uncle criticizing Meer. Soon Meer was homeless and jobless and roaming in the streets aimlessly. After Nadir Shah's carnage there was no charm left in Delhi for the poets, many of them moved to Lucknow. Meer came to Lucknow in 1783; Nawab Asafaddaula fixed him Rs. 200 a month stipend. His early experiences in life and shortness of money though had made a permanent change in his nature and even in the peaceful atmosphere of Lucknow he lived a terrible life. Simple things used to make him upset, many times he walked out of the Nawab's court. In 1810 he died in Lucknow.