Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi



我心里听见仇敌的狂言。我也觉察到了他对我所怀有的秘密想法。他的狗咬了我的脚,对我很不公平;我没有像咬狗一样咬他,我咬的是自己的嘴唇。既然我已经洞悉了像属神之人那样的人的秘密,我又何必以洞悉他的秘密为荣呢?我责备自己,由于我的怀疑,事情竟然发生了,我故意把一只蝎子引到我的脚上来。就像艾布利斯除了亚当的火之外什么也看不见一样,上帝作证,我对他那微不足道的艾布利斯来说是看不见的。请告诉我的朋友,我心中为何愁苦。当蛇咬了我的大腿时,我开始离开黑绳子。那些有福的沉默的人,他们闭着嘴唇和眼睛——以一种任何人都不知道的方式,我进入了他们的思想; Since there is a secret and perfect way from heart to heart, I gathered gold and silver from the treasuries of hearts. Into the thought that was like a brazen stove I flung the dead dog; out of the thought that was like a rose bower I plucked roses and jasmine. If I have hinted at the evil and good ofm y friends, I have spun flax like a weaver as the choicest veil. When my heart rushed suddenly to a heart mighty and aware, out of awe for his heart I fluttered like the heart. As you are happy with your own state, how did you fall in with me? Attend to your own business, for I am neither shaikh nor disciple. As far as you are concerned, brother, I am neither copper nor red gold; drive me from your door, for I am neither lock nor key. Take it as if I had not ever spoken these words; if you had been in my mind, by God I would not have quarreled.