

Michael Wigglesworth的照片
  • 时间1631 - 1705
  • 的地方
  • 国家英格兰


威格尔斯沃斯(1631—1705),美国牧师、诗人,1631年10月18日出生于英国,可能是在约克郡。他的父亲爱德华(生于1653年)因其清教徒信仰而受到迫害,1638年随家人移民到新英格兰,并在纽黑文定居。迈克尔在Ezekiel Cheever开办的一所学校学习了一段时间,并于1651年毕业于哈佛大学,并于1652年至1654年在那里担任导师(和研究员)。在他成为牧师之后,他在查尔斯顿讲道。1653年至1654年,他从1656年起在莫尔登担任牧师,直到去世,尽管有20多年的身体疾病使他无法正常履行职责——科顿·马瑟形容他是“一个虚弱的人的影子。”在这段时间里,他学习医学,并开始了成功的实践。1697 - 1605年,他再次成为哈佛大学的院士。年,他死于马尔登。1705年6月10日威格尔斯沃斯最为人所知的作品是《末日》;或《伟大而最后的审判》(1662)的诗性描述。 At least two English and eight American editions have appeared, notable among them being that of 1867 (New York), edited by W. H. Burr and including other poems of Wigglesworth, a memoir and an autobiography. For a century this realistic and terrible expression of the prevailing Calvinistic theology was by far the most popular work written in America. His other poerm include God’s Controversy with New England (written in 1662. “in the time of the great drought,” and first printed in the Proceedings of the Ivlassachusetts Historical Society for 1781), and Meat out of the Eater,’ or Meditations concerning the Necessity, End and Usefulness of Afflictions unto God’s Children (1669; revised in 1703). His son, SAMUEL (1689—1768), also a clergyman, was the author of several prose works and of one poem of merit, “A Funeral Song” (1709). Another son, Edward (1693—1765), was the first Hollis professor of Divinity at Harvard (1722—1765), and the author of various theological works; and a grandson, Edward (i 73 2—I 794), was the second Hollis professor of Divinity (1765—1791), in which position he was succeeded by Michael Wigglesworth’s great-grandson, Rev. David Tappan (1752—1803).