

  • 时间1498 - 1546
  • 的地方Kudki
  • 国家印度


米拉拜是印度北部最著名的女奉爱诗人。尽管对她生活的具体细节存在一些分歧,但人们普遍认为,她出生于1498年,是拉吉普特酋长兼地主拉坦·辛格的独生女,她的祖父拉奥·杜达吉(Rao Dudaji)在阿杰梅尔东北约40-50英里处建立的堡垒城默塔(Merta)附近。她的母亲在米拉拜四五岁的时候就去世了。据说米拉拜从很小的时候就献身于奎师那,在她的一首诗中,她问道:“奎师那啊,你曾经正确地珍惜过我童年的爱吗?”由于她的父亲大部分时间都不在家,所以她被送到祖父家抚养。其他家庭成员也倾向于外士那瓦修行,在这种环境下,米拉拜自己的宗教情感可以自由地成长。在她的祖父去世后,她的叔叔Viram Dev将她接管,正是她的叔叔同意将她嫁给了Bhoja Raj,即西索迪亚家族著名战士Rana Sanga的王位继承人。这段婚姻中没有孩子,米拉拜对她世俗的配偶也不感兴趣,因为她相信自己嫁给了奎师那。1528年1月,她的丈夫在与莫卧儿皇帝巴布尔的战斗中去世,她的公公也受了重伤。标准的叙述是,在这个关键时刻,米拉拜很容易受到保守男性亲戚的敌意,这种敌意随着米拉拜明显地脱离了世界事务和对公婆的义务而增加。 She began to frequent the temple, discoursed with the sadhus, and apparently danced before the image: as she put it in one of her poems, I danced before my Giridhara. Again and again I dance To please that discerning critic, And put His former love to the test. I put on the anklets A much younger male relative, Vikramajita, is described as having locked her into a room, but when that failed to bring Mirabai to her senses, he attempted, unsuccessfully, to poison her. It has been suggested that her relatives expected her to commit sati, or self-immolation, after the death of her husband; indeed, in one of her poems Mirabai wrote, "sati na hosyan girdhar gansyan mhara man moho ghananami", "I will not commit sati. I will sing the songs of Girdhar Krishna." Sometime around 1538 Mirabai arrived in Vrindavan, where she spent most of the remainder of her life before moving, shortly before her death, to Dwarka. One of the most famous anecdotes from her life, quite likely apocryphal, relates a meeting she had in Vrindavan with Jiva Goswami, a renowned Vaishnava of the Chaitanya school. Jiva Goswami at first refused to meet with her since she was a woman, whereupon Mirabai is said to have retorted: "I used to think that the Lord Krishna was the only man in Vrindavan and that all the rest of the inhabitants were gopis. Now I’ve discovered that there’s someone else here besides Lord Krishna who thinks of himself as a man." Different traditions relate that Mirabai met Chaitanya, Tulsidas, Akbar, and Tansen, but none of these have ever been authenticated, and there is an inconsistency in the chronology, since Mirabai lived several decades before Akbar. Mirabai most likely passed away in 1546, but here too the evidence is very scanty. Of Mirabai, Dhurvadas writing in the 17th century has said: Having forgotten her shyness, she worshipped Giridhar (Krishna). She no longer cared for her family honor. She was Mira, known throughout the world; she was a treasure of devotions. In bliss she visited beautiful Vrindaban.