Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilev

Here you will find thePoemLaosof poet Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilev


Dear girl, your cheeks are soft and tender, And your breasts, like little hills, are slender, Fall in love with me and from this instance We will never live apart in distance. My piragua, we will board together, And the wind will set our sail untethered. Should you wish to ride an elephant, dear, I will be your loyal karnak there. Should you turn into the moon one evening, I?ll become a cloud so to be near you. Should you be liana of the jungle I will turn into a bird or a monkey. On the mountain peak you climb, my dear, Looking into the abyss with awe and fear Even if they put my feet in irons, I will climb that peak despite all tyrants. Yet my skills are useless for tomorrow I am destined for a bitter sorrow. You don?t love me; so I soon start perish Like a bull deprived of juicy daisies. With no single kiss that I could cherish On that cheek of yours so fresh and rosy.