


他和大自然总是手牵着手,越过小山,走在偏僻的小路上;他们在沙滩上捕捉到繁星点点的贝壳,沉醉在沉思的大海中。于是,因为他对她的爱而爱他的她,让他继承了那些花饰和标志,在那些小得几乎不能摇动的孩子们身上,在那长满榛叶或藤蔓的绿色大平原上。她讲夜莺的烦恼;揭示了玫瑰天鹅绒般的秘密;她把神的气息吹进了他的心里,那种罕有的神性,看着那些缓慢的生长,使荨麻学会从它小小的剧痛中释放出微小的毒素。她的奇迹运动,蝴蝶,红宝石和蓝宝石掠过百合花的花冠,雕刻在黄色的花瓣上,他们的眼睛被他们粉嫩的乳房的美丽迷住了,在一滴露珠的镜子里看到,他像朋友一样爱,像朋友一样爱。对他来说,金色和鲜红的尘埃比从时间的宝库中挖出来的金块更珍贵,每一束漂浮的、涂上颜色的银光,都把他吸引到玫瑰那里,在那里它停留着梦想,或者沿着甜蜜的酸橙大道。大自然温柔地训练他,使他懂得在幽僻的角落里听到雨点般的旋律。只要他抓住从冬青或紫丁香、榆树或黑檀中流出的节奏,他就会把音乐与鸟儿结合起来。 The faintest song a redstart ever sang Was redstart?s piping, and the whitethroat knew No cunning trill, no mazy shake that rang Doubtful on ears unaided by the view. But in his glory, as a young pure priest In that great temple, only roofed by stars, An angel hastened from the sacred East To reap the wisest and to leave the least. And as he moaned upon the couch of death, Breathing away his little share of breath, All suddenly he sprang upright in bed! Life, like a ray, poured fresh into his face, Flooding the hollow cheeks with passing grace. He listened long, then pointed up above; Laughed a low laugh of boundless joy and love? That was a plover called he softly said, And on his wife?s breast fell, serenely dead!