


农场里所有的工作都结束了,男男女女欢天喜地的时机已经成熟;爱悄悄地温暖地溜到他们中间,或者叫他们到栗树下。科林斜视着简,用手捂着嘴;她懂得乡村的痛苦,她的挤奶女工的美丽在她身上掠过。她那淡紫色印花的衣服把牧羊人柯林吸引到她坐的地方,他向她可爱的身边飞去,想抢他晚上的抚恤金,但像小鸟一样从手里掠过,女仆逃离了他丘比特的触摸,在走廊上飞驰,速度不够快,骗不了他的眼睛。啊,甜蜜的方式,甜蜜的日子,甜蜜的拥抱,处女跑得多快,她终于被拥抱了!现在柯林向延迟的吻开火,更快地掠过红色的石头地板,直到命运把狡猾的女仆俘虏在食品室门口!一个五十岁的农民还不算太老,不能加入到欢乐中来;他拉着挤奶女工的粉红耳朵,叫一个似是而非的年轻人跑去找小提琴手跳舞:在樱桃园里,浪漫的曲调将混合在一起,爱在露天中勇敢。村庄在幸福中苏醒,老妪和乡下人爬着去看乡下的游戏,在满树的樱桃树下踏着步亲吻。 The chairs and benches now are set, Old John is wheedled from his pet, The cider cup with beady eyes Responds to winkings of the skies. The farmer, burly in his chair, Now claps for ev'ry fond and fair To foot it on the grassy patch While rustic violinists snatch From out those varnished birds of wood A tune to jink it in the blood. Now Jane and Colin in a trice Float sweetly round not less than thrice Before their motion draws a pair To revel with the dancing air. The thrush, that on his velvet wipes His juicy bill, protesting pipes, And, somewhat as a piccolo, Doth race the concord of the bow. A virgin yonder by the tree Rejects a mate who saucily Would press, if she might only start, Her modest homespun to his heart. Ah, sweet-lip ways and sweet-lip days, And sweetheart captures of the waist, Though like a finch the maiden flies She's sure at last to be embraced. The orchard now is in full bloom With rosy cheek and snowdrop throat; The stars invade the growing gloom, And rarelier sounds the blackbird's note. But in this dewy little park Love burns the brighter for the dark, And till he use a stricter rule Dear Cicely's cheek shall never cool! The fiddlers storm a tomboy tune, The shepherds closer clasp the girls While skirts the more desert the shoon, And rebel leap the loely curls. The farmer glows within his chair And muses on the dancing time When he and she--a matchless pair-- Were warm and nimble in their prime. God bless the man who, duller grown, Can feel the younger heaven anew By granting to his maids and men A romp by starlight in the dew! Ah, greenwood ways and greenwood days, And soft pursuings of the waist, The cheek must yellow out of praise, And bent be those who once embraced! And now they pant against the trees, And, using darkness for their plan, Girls loose the garters at their knees And mend the clumsiness of man. One virgin, thankful for the dance, About the music shyly trips-- Her Love's a fiddler, and her love Pops fruit in Paganini's lips; Or finding on the starlit tree The wife and husband cherry there, She hangs the couple at his cheek And hides the stalk with tufts of hair. The girls are at the cider-cup, And shepherds tilt the yellow base Until a giddy amber flood Runs, kissing, over Cicely's face, And Dora's upper lip doth shine With winking beads of apple-wine. The fiddlers scrape a farewell tune, The dancers dwindle in the dusk While summer puffs of easy wind Bring hints of cottage garden musk. And thus the revel dearly ends With milkmaid's palm in shepherd's hand, And lovers grow from only friends Where plum and pear and apple stand. Ah, sweet-lip ways and sweet-lip days, And sweetheart captures of the waist, How fast so-e'er the virgin flies She's sure at last to be embraced!