

  • 时间1772 - 1801
  • 的地方
  • 国家德国


乔治·弗里德里希·菲利普·冯·哈登堡(以诺瓦利斯笔名写作)出生于普鲁士萨克森州奥伯维德斯泰特的一个新教下萨克森贵族家庭。他父亲是一家盐矿的厂长。十岁时,诺瓦利斯被送到一所宗教学校,但他不适应那里严格的纪律。诺瓦利斯和他的叔叔住了一段时间,他的叔叔为他打开了法国理性主义和文化的大门。然后他去了他父亲搬到的Weissenfels,并进入了Eisleben体育馆。1790年至1791年,他在耶拿大学学习法律,在那里他结识了弗里德里希·冯·席勒和弗里德里希·施莱格尔。诺瓦利斯于1793年在维滕贝格完成了他的学业。法国大革命的思想传遍了德国,诺瓦利斯梦想着“杰里科的城墙”倒塌的那一天。歌德在1795年读到的《威廉·迈斯特的学徒生涯》对他产生了深刻的影响;他认为这是“新时代”的圣经。 In 1795-96 he studied the works of Johann Gottlieb Fichte. At the age of 21 he moved to Tennstädt and took up job in civil sevice. In 1798 Novalis published a series of philosophical fragments, FRAGMENTEN. Novalis' only finished collection of poems, HYMNEN AN DIE NACHT (1800), was dedicated to his first great love Sophie von Kühn, who died in 1797. The death of his young fiancé, Sophie von Kühn, led him to write Hymnen an die Nacht (Hymns to the Night), a set of six prose and verse lyrics first published in 1800 in Athenaeum, a literary magazine edited by August Wilhelm Schlegel and his brother Friedrich Schlegel. Seven months after the publication of Hymns to the Night, Novalis died of tuberculosis, the same disease that had claimed his fiancé.