


是的,亲爱的女巫, ??Âwandering遥远而遥远,在没有歌声气息的国度,在那里,芳香的花朵在四周洒下甘甜,最苦的根侵入了不友好的土地,那里的宝石是埃普索姆矿的结晶,那里的葡萄园里流淌着锑酒,那里的大门里没有欢乐的痕迹,只有一个瘦弱的讥笑者,带着讥讽的笑容,那里的痛苦是真实的,而不是韵律的悲哀,蓝眼睛的怀念在时间之外鸣叫;Â我逃学了,对你神圣的要求并不畏惧,虽然年纪大了,但内心还是一样,我暂时从劳碌的枷锁中解脱出来,再一次踏上你神圣的土地;在你脚下,我昔日的忠诚,你的臣民,忠于你的王位!我眼花缭乱的目光扫视着拥挤的大厅;唉,指望所有人的微笑是多么徒劳啊!我了解我的听众。所有快活的年轻人都喜欢俏皮的舌头轻快的滑稽动作;而这些人,想起了我的嘴唇在坚果和酒中说过的一些夸张的诗句,都不耐烦了,直到开头的双关语宣布诙谐的争斗开始。至少有五分之二的人,如果不是全部的一半,是为了震天大笑而发怒的;我很清楚哪个议员把他的红手帕紧紧地系在腰间; I see the mother, who, aware that boys Perform their laughter with superfluous noise, Beside her kerchief brought an extra one To stop the explosions of her bursting son; I know a tailor, once a friend of mine, Expects great doings in the button line,â?? For mirthâ??s concussions rip the outward case, And plant the stitches in a tenderer place. I know my audience,â??Âthese shall have their due; A smile awaits them ere my song is through! I know myself. Not servile for applause, My Muse permits no deprecating clause; Modest or vain, she will not be denied One bold confession due to honest pride; And well she knows the drooping veil of song Shall save her boldness from the cavillerâ??s wrong. Her sweeter voice the Heavenly Maid imparts To tell the secrets of our aching hearts For this, a suppliant, captive, prostrate, bound, She kneels imploring at the feet of sound; For this, convulsed in thoughtâ??s maternal pains, She loads her arms with rhymeâ??s resounding chains; Faint though the music of her fetters be, It lends one charm,â??Âher lips are ever free! Think not I come, in manhoodâ??s fiery noon, To steal his laurels from the stage buffoon; His sword of lath the harlequin may wield; Behold the star upon my lifted shield Though the just critic pass my humble name, And sweeter lips have drained the cup of fame, While my gay stanza pleased the banquetâ??s lords, The soul within was tuned to deeper chords! Say, shall my arms, in other conflicts taught To swing aloft the ponderous mace of thought, Lift, in obedience to a school-girlâ??s law, Mirthâ??s tinsel wand or laughterâ??s tickling straw? Say, shall I wound with satireâ??s rankling spear The pure, warm hearts that bid me welcome here? No! while I wander through the land of dreams, To strive with great and play with trifling themes, Let some kind meaning fill the varied line. You have your judgment; will you trust to mine? ----------------------- Between two breaths what crowded mysteries lie,â?? The first short gasp, the last and long-drawn sigh! Like phantoms painted on the magic slide, Forth from the darkness of the past we glide, As living shadows for a moment seen In airy pageant on the eternal screen, Traced by a ray from one unchanging flame, Then seek the dust and stillness whence we came. But whence and why, our trembling souls inquire, Caught these dim visions their awakening fire? Oh, who forgets when first the piercing thought Through childhoodâ??s musings found its way unsought? I am;â??ÂI live. The mystery and the fear When the dread question, what has brought me here? Burst through lifeâ??s twilight, as before the sun Roll the deep thunders of the morning gun! Are angel faces, silent and serene, Bent on the conflicts of this little scene, Whose dream-like efforts, whose unreal strife, Are but the preludes to a larger life? Or does lifeâ??s summer see the end of all, These leaves of being mouldering as they fall, As the old poet vaguely used to deem, As WESLEY questioned in his youthful dream? Oh, could such mockery reach our souls indeed, Give back the Pharaohsâ?? or the Athenianâ??s creed; Better than this a Heaven of manâ??s device,â?? The Indianâ??s sports, the Moslemâ??s paradise! Or is our beingâ??s only end and aim To add new glories to our Makerâ??s name, As the poor insect, shrivelling in the blaze, Lends a faint sparkle to its streaming rays? Does earth send upward to the Eternalâ??s