


有一次,我怀着奇妙的愉快心情写了几行诗,我想,像往常一样,人们会说我写得非常好。他们太奇怪了,太奇怪了,我笑得要死;我叫我的仆人来,他就来。他真是太好了,顾念像我这样瘦弱有力的人。“这些是给印刷厂的,”我喊道,然后,以我幽默的方式,我补充说,(作为一个微不足道的玩笑,)“会有麻烦的。”他拿了纸,我看着,看见他往里面偷看;他读到第一行时,脸上露出了笑容。他读了第二篇;咧开嘴笑,从耳朵传到耳朵; He read the third; a chuckling noise I now began to hear. The fourth; he broke into a roar; The fifth; his waistband split; The sixth; he burst five buttons off, And tumbled in a fit. Ten days and nights, with sleepless eye, I watched that wretched man, And since, I never dare to write As funny as I can.