


从那里,他穿着藏红花色的长袍,奔向遥远的色雷斯,穿过空气中无法测量的空间;被俄耳甫斯召唤,参加婚礼的人,却带着不祥之兆降临;上帝既没有欢快的表情,也没有繁荣的话语,也没有点燃他的火炬,却在嘶嘶的烟雾中哭泣。他们徒劳地旋转它,徒劳地摇动它,没有快速的运动可以唤醒它的火焰。俄耳甫斯的故事人们看到这些不祥的征兆,感到恐惧;不久,更可怕的结局随之而来;还有欧律狄刻,因为当新娘在奈阿德的队伍中欢快地奔跑,在流动的平原上嬉戏时,一条恶毒的毒蛇在她经过时咬了她;她立刻倒下,突然呼出了最后一口气。当色雷斯人遭受了长期的损失之后,他再也不能被更强大的军队所挽回;被爱点燃,被深深的绝望驱使,他离开了光明和高空;敢于踏上特纳里亚的黑暗之路,去试探暗影的幽居; Thro' gliding spectres of th' interr'd to go, And phantom people of the world below: Persephone he seeks, and him who reigns O'er ghosts, and Hell's uncomfortable plains. Arriv'd, he, tuning to his voice his strings, Thus to the king and queen of shadows sings. Ye Pow'rs, who under Earth your realms extend, To whom all mortals must one day descend; If here 'tis granted sacred truth to tell: I come not curious to explore your Hell; Nor come to boast (by vain ambition fir'd) How Cerberus at my approach retir'd. My wife alone I seek; for her lov'd sake These terrors I support, this journey take. She, luckless wandring, or by fate mis-led, Chanc'd on a lurking viper's crest to tread; The vengeful beast, enflam'd with fury, starts, And thro' her heel his deathful venom darts. Thus was she snatch'd untimely to her tomb; Her growing years cut short, and springing bloom. Long I my loss endeavour'd to sustain, And strongly strove, but strove, alas, in vain: At length I yielded, won by mighty love; Well known is that omnipotence above! But here, I doubt, his unfelt influence fails; And yet a hope within my heart prevails. That here, ev'n here, he has been known of old; At least if truth be by tradition told; If fame of former rapes belief may find, You both by love, and love alone, were join'd. Now, by the horrors which these realms surround; By the vast chaos of these depths profound; By the sad silence which eternal reigns O'er all the waste of these wide-stretching plains; Let me again Eurydice receive, Let Fate her quick-spun thread of life re-weave. All our possessions are but loans from you, And soon, or late, you must be paid your due; Hither we haste to human-kind's last seat, Your endless empire, and our sure retreat. She too, when ripen'd years she shall attain, Must, of avoidless right, be yours again: I but the transient use of that require, Which soon, too soon, I must resign entire. But if the destinies refuse my vow, And no remission of her doom allow; Know, I'm determin'd to return no more; So both retain, or both to life restore. Thus, while the bard melodiously complains, And to his lyre accords his vocal strains, The very bloodless shades attention keep, And silent, seem compassionate to weep; Ev'n Tantalus his flood unthirsty views, Nor flies the stream, nor he the stream pursues; Ixion's wond'ring wheel its whirl suspends, And the voracious vulture, charm'd, attends; No more the Belides their toil bemoan, And Sisiphus reclin'd, sits list'ning on his stone. Then first ('tis said) by sacred verse subdu'd, The Furies felt their cheeks with tears bedew'd: Nor could the rigid king, or queen of Hell, Th' impulse of pity in their hearts repell. Now, from a troop of shades that last arriv'd, Eurydice was call'd, and stood reviv'd: Slow she advanc'd, and halting seem to feel The fatal wound, yet painful in her heel. Thus he obtains the suit so much desir'd, On strict observance of the terms requir'd: For if, before he reach the realms of air, He backward cast his eyes to view the fair, The forfeit grant, that instant, void is made, And she for ever left a lifeless shade. Now thro' the noiseless throng their way they bend, And both with pain the rugged road ascend; Dark was the path, and difficult, and steep, And thick with vapours from the smoaky deep. They well-nigh now had pass'd the bounds of night, And just approach'd the margin of the light, When he, mistrusting lest her steps might stray, And gladsome of the glympse of dawning day, His longing eyes, impatient, backward cast To catch a lover's look, but look'd his last; For, instant dying, she again descends, While he to empty air his arms