


听那悲伤的钟声!每一个破碎的灵魂都从短暂的痛苦遗忘中苏醒。在我看来,那悲伤的声音是过去的死亡哀号,是为那些被埋葬的欢乐而唱的挽歌,这些欢乐太过纯洁和明亮而无法持久。它像从绝望的黑暗深处传来的回声萦绕着我,使我想起魔鬼般的痛苦和忧虑;最悲伤的人,它的歌声驱散了明亮的梦,因为醒着的悲伤是被监狱里刺耳的钟声召唤来的。它告诉我,我不再是从前的我了,不再是一个深受喜爱、充满爱心的男孩,我的心因欢乐而轻松;它告诉我,未来的生活必定是痛苦的漫长岁月,我的额头再也不会带着纯真;我将在这个世界上漂泊,孤苦无友,得不到爱情的微笑的安慰,这是一种羞耻和轻蔑的东西。那些可怕的声音,那些哀歌般的声音,它们讲的是多么可怕的故事啊!它敲响了希望和喜悦的死亡,敲响了悲伤的钟声。多少次,在天堂神圣的地方,旧时代的美好景象像天使的梦似地来到我的头上,那些美丽而神圣的事物——明亮的星星和花朵,还有童年的祈祷——对我来说,就像在生命纯洁的时光里一样珍贵。 How oft, too, when in such dreams I wander by the side Of one fair form whom virtue might have won me for my bride, They come, those tones so horrible, those drear tones through my cell, And memory shuddereth to hear the harsh-toned prison bell. That bell! - how many hear it sound who've ceased to struggle long, Who, reckless of crime's after doom, have linked themselves to wrong; And heard it is with shuddering and tearful vain regret By those who for one first bad act for years must suffer yet. 'Tis also sadly heard by some strange-struggling beings who Cling to the false and evil while they love the good and true; And some - a few - all innocent, who've learned, alas! Too well That man's best judgement sometimes errs, may weep to hear that bell. I've heard it when bright memories have crowded to my brain, When hopes and aspirations high have whispering come again; And it hath sought to crush each thought that fain would save from ill. As wildly it hath chanted forth, 'Despair; be evil still.' But no, a prison oft hath proved a holy place of yore, And if the heart yearns for the good, God will the good restore, Then courage soul: let faith's bright beams grief's darksome shades dispel, And days of joy may yet be thine far from the prison bell.