


我和我的牛群,从海边潮湿的山丘,穿过利特里姆和朗福德,来到牧场的米思。我在黑暗中听到他们的滑倒和呼吸。我把它们命名为“小路”它们?不加注意地走过去。然后是潮湿蜿蜒的道路,棕色的沼泽和黑色的水;我的思绪在白色的船和国王?西班牙吗?年代的女儿。O !农夫,强壮的农夫!你可以在集市上消磨时光但你必须把脸转向你的庄稼和你的照料。 And soldiers?red soldiers! You?ve seen many lands; But you walk two by two, And by captain?s commands. O! the smell of the beasts, The wet wind in the morn; And the proud and hard earth Never broken for corn; And the crowds at the fair, The herds loosened and blind, Loud words and dark faces And the wild blood behind. (O! strong men with your best I would strive breast to breast I could quiet your herds With my words, with my words.) I will bring you, my kine, Where there?s grass to the knee; But you?ll think of scant croppings Harsh with salt of the sea.