

“如果我有钱,我知道上哪儿去找一匹合适的驴——一两英镑。”一天,一个衣衫褴褛的人对我叔叔说:他拿了钱就走了。在那之后,无论在市场还是集市上,我都会看那些可能在那里的驴子。想知道什么样的驴子会给一个衣衫褴褛的人一两英镑。啊,大街上挤满了黑马和黄马,它们的鬃毛和尾巴飘动着,一动不动地站着,它们的主人,那些有地位的人,会在那里,拒绝为一匹小马或一匹母马付金币。也许还有一个人,像乡绅一样骑着马来来往往这样都柏林的买主就会看到并欣赏猎人或赛马手来卖钱他们就会心甘情愿地掏出金子。男人没精打采地站在她们旁边,买主也不在旁边,难怪驴子把头和耳朵耷拉下来。它们已经被卖掉了,或者在别的地方被买走了,只花了几个半克朗的钱,扎成一个结,没有一个穷得连买一匹马的人,会来参加这个集市,因为家里有这么贵重的马!后来我听说,在阿尔瓦或斯克拉布,在乡下的集市上,在莫希尔或艾比,我骑上了两头驴,没有强迫,也没有悲伤,它们在集市上,一只母马和她的小马驹。 And the owner, a woman, Did not slouch or stand, But in her cart sitting Was as grand as the grand; Like a queen out of Connacht From her toe to her tip, Like proud Crania Uaile On the deck of her ship. And her hair 'twas a mane: The blackberries growing Out of the hedge-rows Have the sheen it was showing, There kind was with kind Like the flowers in the grasses If the owner was fine, As fine were her asses. White, white was the mother As a dusty white road; Black on back and on shoulders The cross-marking showed. She was tall she could carry A youth stout of limb, Or bear down from her mountain The bride decked for him! Such was the mother The foal's hide was brown, All fleecy and curly, And soft like bog-down; And it nuzzled its mother, Its head to her knee, And blue were its eyes Like the pools of the sea! Then I thought all the silver My uncle could draw Might not pay for the creatures That that day I saw; And I thought that old Damer, Who had troughs made of gold, Could not pay for the asses, The young and the old. And I think of them still When I see on the roads Asses unyoked, And asses with loads; One running and trotting, With harness loose, And a man striking and hitting Where his stick has use; And one with a hide Like a patched-on sack And two creels of turf Upon its back; And one in the market, Meek and brown, Its head to the cart-shafts That are down; Eating its forage A wisp of hay; In the dust of the highway Munching away; Unmarked in the market As might be a mouse Behind a low stool In a quiet house Then I think of the pair Horses might not surpass The dam and her foal, The white ass and brown ass.