


旅人,放下你的撇轮;没有什么是锋利的,没有什么是锋利的:哦,旋转你的石轮,直到我们的刀刃磨碎!轮子在有角、木头和骨头的刀刃下急速地转动着:本来应该是一个刃的狭长刀,把面包切到后跟的家用刀,刮掉鲭鱼的鳞片的家用刀,形状像楔石的沉重的刀,在钢中激起了锋利的感觉:做草匠用的削石南梗的刀,还有各行各业的小贩用的刀;有切培根的宽刃刀,有削皮匠皮的粗短刀,还有因磨损而削薄的猎刀——所有的东西都拿来了,所有的东西都放在上面,所有的东西都被外乡人的车轮碾碎了。那些挤在集市广场上的人,手和眼都在看着他们的货物,他们受过良好的教育,小心翼翼地使用它们。但火花从眼睛里冒出来,相遇了,火花从刀刃上冒出来,同样热切而又有意地磨着,每把钝刃都磨着他,他的额头弯得像块石头。他在磨刀石上唱道:“商人的剑会使你害怕,登山者手中的短剑,海盗的蓝弯刀也会使你的刀刃长时间没有棱角!”男人们在想着玩牌,男孩们的目光转向他们玩掷球和掷球的角落,女人们想到了挂在锅钩上的鲱鱼,准备好了的和不准备好的男人没有权利留置土巴该隐的礼物,我们父亲土巴该隐的礼物但是没有人从这首歌中领会到什么意思,他在刀刃的一边和另一边做了一个相等的边缘,把表面擦得闪闪发光。现在为你所做的留下祝福吧。' 'For what I have done I take my fee, But no blessing I leave on it,' said he, 'Everybody knows, Everybody knows That the knife-grinder No blessing bestows.' Then the market-place, with wheel a-pack, He left, and the men to their cards went back And talked of a bird in the cocker's loft; And of liming linnets beside the croft The boys told between pitch and toss; And the women laid the herring across The tongs to roast for a sloven's meal. And he went out beside the Peel Tower, and through Saint Selskar's Gate, Heading at a hearty rate Towards the hilltops and the shades. And three who brought back sharpened blades To their fathers' stalls by the Tan-yard Side, And then stayed while a blackbird cried Quietly by their groundsills The butcher's daughter, The cobbler's daughter, The hawker's daughter, Were lost on the hills!