


当你还是个没有手艺的孩子的时候,噢,从画眉山庄到巴利布拉克,从卡伯利到布雷,你在路上走了一整天,你会看到很多东西。左右两边都是高墙,爬满了常春藤,另一边是一条荆棘沟渠,有一个安静的山羊可以吃草的地方,还有一个路边的长凳,可以让人停下来。一只母鸡在睡梦中发现了一件东西,你会想,当你坐在长凳上时,你会听到她吱吱呀呀地走着,还有一只公鸡,它认为自己在拼命地叫,世界上所有的动静都是一辆马车在路上吱吱作响,另一辆马车不断靠近;一个人打碎石头;一天的点滴,一次又一次的击打会清晰地向你袭来,然后碎石机就再也没有了。他的日子过去了,就像浮云过去了,他独自坐着,像手里拿着锤子,打碎了路上的修补;当雨后,太阳落山时,石头上抛射出耀眼的光芒。你把他留在那里,那个破石匠,你想知道谁来看看他在一天、一个月或一个星期里做了什么:他打碎了一块又一块石头,你把他留在那里,继续赶路。一条安静的路!你会慢慢认识沿途的荆棘和石头; A dozen times you'd see last year's nest; A peacock's cry, a pigeon astray Would be marks enough to set on a day; Or the basket-carriers you would meet A man and a woman they were a pair! The woman going beside his heel: A straight-walking man with a streak of him bare, And eyes that would give you a crafty stare. Coming down from the hills they'd have ferns to sell, Going up from the strand they'd have cockles in stock: Sand in their baskets from the sea, Or clay that was stripped from a hillside rock A pair that had often stood in the dock! Or a man that played on a tin-whistle: He looked as he'd taken a scarecrow's rig; Playing and playing as though his mind Could do nothing else but go to a jig, And no one around him, little or big. And you'd meet no man else until you came Where you could look down upon the sedge, And watch the Dargle water flow, And men smoke pipes on the bridge's ledge, While a robin sang by the haws in a hedge. Or no bird sang, and the bird-catchers Would have talk enough for a battle gained, When they came from the field and stood by the bridge, Taking shelter beside it while it rained, While the bird new-caught huddled and strained In this cage or that, a linnet or finch, And the points it had were declared and surmised: And this one's tail was spread out, and there Two little half-moons, the marks that were prized; And you looked well on the bird assized. Then men would go by with a rick of hay Piled on a cart; with them you would be Walking beside the piled-up load: It would seem as it left the horses free, They went with such stride and so heartily- And so you'll go back along the road.