


“在你们地球所属的这无限的混合光球中,广泛地散布着一种活动和生命的精神,它不知道终止、停止或衰亡;当尘世的灯火在坟墓的潮湿中熄灭时,它还没有熄灭,就像婴儿在朦胧的新生中感受到世俗事物的冲动时一样,一切都是不成熟的感官的奇迹;但是,活跃,坚定和永恒,仍然引导着猛烈的旋风,在暴风雨中咆哮,白天欢呼,在芬芳的树林里呼吸,在健康中增强,在疾病中有毒;变化的风暴不停地环绕着永恒的宇宙,摇动着永恒的城垛,以不可抗拒的法则支配着,它的机器的每一个弹簧都要填满;所以,当波涛汹涌,波涛汹涌,把云团搅得乱成一团,天上的闪电猛烈地把连根拔起的渡口烧得焦黑的时候,在一个孤身一人坐在光秃秃颤抖的礁石上的遇难水手看来,一切似乎都是不相干的偶然和偶然,这种乱流的任何一个原子都没有完成一种模糊的、不必要的任务,或者只是按照它必须和应该做的去做。即使是最微小的光分子,在四月阳光的微光中,也完成了它的使命,虽然看不见,宇宙的精神引导着它;当无情的野心或疯狂的热情,把两群傻瓜领上战场,盲目地为对方挖坟,称这悲哀的工作为光荣时,难道一切感情都是如此吗?没有一个思想,没有一个意志,没有一个行动,没有暴君喜怒无常的心思,没有奴隶们为掩饰羞愧而夸耀自己的奴役状态的一丝疑虑,也没有束缚每一个意志的种种事件,它们从未被记录的时间深处,汲取了影响一切的美德,而你,宇宙的灵魂,不曾认识,不曾预见!永恒的春天,生与死,乐与悲,一切跳跃的幻影,在我们眼前晃动的光中飘浮,它只在我们监狱的黑暗中闪烁,我们感觉得到牢笼的锁链和厚重的墙壁,却看不见。“大自然的精灵!”充足的力量,必需品! thou mother of the world! Unlike the God of human error, thou Requir'st no prayers or praises; the caprice Of man's weak will belongs no more to thee Than do the changeful passions of his breast To thy unvarying harmony: the slave, Whose horrible lusts spread misery o'er the world, And the good man, who lifts with virtuous pride His being in the sight of happiness That springs from his own works; the poison-tree, Beneath whose shade all life is wither'd up, And the fair oak, whose leafy dome affords A temple where the vows of happy love Are register'd, are equal in thy sight: No love, no hate thou cherishest; revenge And favouritism, and worst desire of fame Thou know'st not: all that the wide world contains Are but thy passive instruments, and thou Regard'st them all with an impartial eye, Whose joy or pain thy nature cannot feel, Because thou hast not human sense, Because thou art not human mind. "Yes! when the sweeping storm of time Has sung its death-dirge o'er the ruin'd fanes And broken altars of the almighty Fiend Whose name usurps thy honours, and the blood Through centuries clotted there has floated down The tainted flood of ages, shalt thou live Unchangeable! A shrine is rais'd to thee, Which, nor the tempest-breath of time, Nor the interminable flood Over earth's slight pageant rolling, Availeth to destroy-- The sensitive extension of the world. That wondrous and eternal fane, Where pain and pleasure, good and evil join, To do the will of strong necessity, And life, in multitudinous shapes, Still pressing forward where no term can be, Like hungry and unresting flame Curls round the eternal columns of its strength."