


拿回你的硬币,御前顾问。我是你派到森林神殿去引诱那个从未见过女人的年轻苦行僧的女人之一。我辜负了你的要求。天刚破晓,隐士男孩来到溪中沐浴,他那黄褐色的头发披散在肩上,像一簇晨云,他的四肢像一道阳光闪闪发光。我们边划边笑边唱;我们跳进河里,疯狂地嬉戏,围着他跳舞,这时太阳升起,从水边瞪着我们,带着一种神圣的愤怒。男孩像个神童一样睁开眼睛,注视着我们的一举一动,这种惊奇越来越强烈,直到他的眼睛像晨星一样闪闪发光。他举起紧握的双手,用年轻的鸟儿般的声音唱着赞美诗,震撼了森林里的每一片叶子。从来没有人对一个女人唱过这样的话;它们就像对从寂静的山上升起的黎明的无声的赞美诗。 THe women hid their mouths with their hands, their bodies swaying with laughter, and a spasm of doubt ran across his face. Quickly came I to his side, sorely pained, and, bowing to his feet, I said, "Lord, accept my service." I led him to the grassy bank, wiped his body with the end of my silken mantle, and, kneeling on the ground, I dried his feet with my trailing hair. When I raised my face and looked into his eyes, I thought I felt the world's first kiss to the first woman, -Blessed am I, blessed is God, who made me a woman. I heard him say to me, "What God unknown are you? YOur touch is the touch of the Immortal, your eyes have the mystery of the midnight." Ah, no, not that smile, King's Councillor, -the dust of worldly wisdom has covered your sight, old man. But this boy's innocence pierced the mist and saw the shining truth, the woman divine.... The women clapped their hands, and laughed their obscene laugh, and with veils dragged on the dust and hair hanging loose they began to pelt him with flowers. Alas, my spotless sun, could not my shame weave fiery mist to cover you in its folds? I fell at his feet and cried, "Forgive me. " I fled like a stricken deer through shade and sun, and cried as I fled, " Forgive me. " The women's foul laughter pressed me like a cracking fire, but the words ever rang in my ears, " What God unknown are you?"