


啊,我的孩子,是谁给那件小褂子涂上颜色,用那件红色的小褂子盖住你可爱的四肢呢?你早晨出来在院子里玩,一边跑一边摇摇晃晃地打滚。可是,是谁给那件小褂子染上颜色的,我的孩子?是什么让你笑,我的小生命蓓蕾?妈妈站在门槛上对你微笑。她拍手,她的手镯叮当作响,你手里拿着竹竿跳舞,像一个小小的牧羊人。是什么让你笑,我的小生命蓓蕾?啊,乞丐,你为什么躺在床上,用你的双手紧紧抓住你母亲的脖子?贪婪的心啊,我要不要把整个世界像果实一样从天上摘下来,放在你玫瑰色的小手掌上?啊,乞丐,你在乞求什么? The wind carries away in glee the tinkling of your anklet bells. The sun smiles and watches your toilet. The sky watches over you when you sleep in your mother's arms, and the morning comes tiptoe to your bed and kisses your eyes. The wind carried away in glee the tinkling of your anklet bells. The fairy mistress of dreams is coming towards you, flying through the twilight sky. The world-mother keeps her seat by you in your mother's heart. He who plays his music to the stars is standing at your window with his flute. And the fairy mistress of dreams is coming towards you, flying through the twilight sky.