


啊,痛苦之城:它的街道是多么奇怪啊:声音的虚假寂静淹没了声音,而在那里——傲慢、无耻、空虚模子的流露——镀金的喧闹,炸裂的纪念碑。一个天使会如何消灭他们的安慰市场,这个市场就建在他们订购的教堂旁边:干净、封闭,像星期天的邮局一样凄凉。然而,在外面,总是有集市的汹涌边缘。自由的摇摆!热情的高跳水者和杂耍者!还有射击场,上面有一些愚蠢的幸福形象,每当有更好的射手得分时,这些形象就会跳起来,颤抖起来,然后发出一声小小的响声。他从欢呼中跌跌撞撞地走向机遇;为了迎合每一种奇特的口味,摊位都在鼓点和吠叫。然后——只给成年人看——一个特别的节目:钱是如何繁殖的,它的解剖结构,而不是什么哑谜:钱的生殖器,一切,从头到尾的整个表演——有教育意义,保证让你变得有男子气概. . . . . . . . . . . . .哦,但除此之外,在最后一块广告牌的后面,贴满了“不死”的标志,这种苦啤酒对那些喝它的人来说是甜的,只要他们有新鲜的分心来咀嚼… , just beyond those boards, just on the other side: things are real. Children play, lovers hold each other, off in the shadows, pensive, on the meager grass, while dogs obey nature. The youth is drawn farther on; perhaps he's fallen in love with a young Lament . . . . . He pursues her, enters meadowland. She says: "It's a long way. We live out there . . ." Where? And the youth follows. Something in her bearing stirs him. Her shoulders, neck--, perhaps she's of noble descent. Still, he leaves her, turns around, glances back, waves . . . What's the use? She's a Lament. Translated by Edward Snow