


活到老学到老,看自然退步。事情也在以同样的方式恶化:柠檬长出叶子和果皮,无花果和酸橙歉收,白天变短,日子越来越艰难。开花的四月在不足的天空中冷却而死;盛夏时节的小鬼用一个斑点把半个太阳的圆盘弄脏了;现在,这对棕褐色的脸颊和人类的皮肤都不起作用了:玫瑰变白了,山羊变干了,里斯本地震了,人们哭了。你们这些苍白骨瘦如柴的渔夫傻瓜,憔悴得像池子里的苦鸟,不是我的兄弟,他们玷污了亚当的尊严。诸神之眼!你一定看到了,当你倚在城墙上时,普遍的虚弱,天才的无能,伟大的计划被驳回,鲁莽的野心被打破,弱小的男人和无香的玫瑰折磨着潘加倍的剂量。要么重建,要么毁灭:要么给荒废的小溪注入生机,要么再次翻滚成一堆,陷入混乱,然后沉睡。喂,诸侯们,那哺养天地血脉的老尼罗河干涸了吗?人们怀念那曾经驱使他们从事社会事业的忠贞不二的热情,现在却变成了一种野蛮的自私; With. science poorly mask their hurt, And vex the gods with question pert, Immensely curious whether you Still are rulers, or Mildew. Masters, I'm in pain with you; Masters, I'll be plain with you. In my palace of Castile, I, a king, for kings can feel; There my thoughts the matter roll, And solve and oft resolve the whole, And, for I'm styled Alphonse the Wise, Ye shall not fail for sound advice, Before ye want a drop of rain, Hear the sentiment of Spain. You have tried famine: no more try it; Ply us now with a full diet; Teach your pupils now with plenty, For one sun supply us twenty: I have thought it thoroughly over, State of hermit, state of lover; We must have society, We cannot spare variety. Hear you, then, celestial fellows! Fits not to be over zealous; Steads not to work on the clean jump, Nor wine nor brains perpetual pump; Men and gods are too extense,— Could you slacken and condense? Your rank overgrowths reduce, Till your kinds abound with juice; Earth crowded cries, "Too many men,"— My counsel is, Kill nine in ten, And bestow the shares of all On the remnant decimal. Add their nine lives to this cat; Stuff their nine brains in his hat; Make his frame and forces square With the labors he must dare; Thatch his flesh, and even his years With the marble which he rears; There growing slowly old at ease, No faster than his planted trees, He may, by warrant of his age, In schemes of broader scope engage: So shall ye have a man of the sphere, Fit to grace the solar year.