


当他们坐在海边时,主的话语在夜晚降临给那些守望的朝圣者,使他们的心充满火焰。上帝说,我厌倦了君王,我不再忍受他们;清晨的声音将穷人的愤怒传到我耳中。你们认为我把这个球变成了一个浩劫和战争的战场,在这里,无论大小暴君都可以伤害弱者和穷人?我的天使,他的名字叫自由,——选择他做你的国王;他将开辟东西之路,用他的翅膀保护你。瞧!我揭开我自古藏在西方的土地,就像雕刻家尽了最大的努力揭开雕像;我指哥伦比亚的岩石,它们把脚伸入大海,飞向空中的云群和北方的羊毛。我要分我的财物; Call in the wretch and slave: None shall rule but the humble, And none but Toil shall have. I will have never a noble, No lineage counted great; Fishers and choppers and ploughmen Shall constitute a state. Go, cut down trees in the forest, And trim the straightest boughs; Cut down the trees in the forest, And build me a wooden house. Call the people together, The young men and the sires, The digger in the harvest field, Hireling, and him that hires; And here in a pine state-house They shall choose men to rule In every needful faculty, In church, and state, and school. Lo, now! if these poor men Can govern the land and sea, And make just laws below the sun, As planets faithful be. And ye shall succour men; 'T is nobleness to serve; Help them who cannot help again: Beware from right to swerve. I break your bonds and masterships, And I unchain the slave: Free be his heart and hand henceforth As wind and wandering wave. I cause from every creature His proper good to flow: As much as he is and doeth, So much he shall bestow. But laying hands on another To coin his labour and sweat, He goes in pawn to his victim For eternal years in debt. To-day unbind the captive, So only are ye unbound; Lift up a people from the dust, Trump of their rescue, sound! Pay ransom to the owner, And fill the bag to the brim. Who is the owner? The slave is owner, And ever was. Pay him. O North! give him beauty for rags, And honour, O South! for his shame; Nevada! coin thy golden crags With Freedom's image and name. Up! and the dusky race That sat in darkness long,-- Be swift their feet as antelopes, And as behemoth strong. Come, East and West and North, By races, as snow-flakes, And carry my purpose forth, Which neither halts nor shakes. My will fulfilled shall be, For, in daylight or in dark, My thunderbolt has eyes to see His way home to the mark.