


我跟着快乐的向导走了很久,却始终走不到他们身边;他们的脚步迈开,在天亮之前,他们的联盟就消失了。我的感觉敏锐,我的心年轻,我的意志坚定,但我的速度不足以追寻他们光辉的足迹。他们匆匆的脚步让早晨骄傲而甜蜜;他们撒花,?我闻到了香味;还是银器的音色,在风中留下悠扬的痕迹;但我始终看不见他们的脸。在东边的山上,我看见他们的烟,和远处湖泊的薄雾混合在一起。我遇到了许多旅行者,他们肯定是被大路留住了;他们没有看到我的好狂欢者,? These had crossed them while they slept. Some had heard their fair report, In the country or the court. Fleetest couriers alive Never yet could once arrive, As they went or they returned, At the house where these sojourned. Sometimes their strong speed they slacken. Though they are not overtaken; In sleep their jubilant troop is near,? I tuneful voices overhear; It may be in wood or waste,? At unawares ?t is come and past. Their near camp my spirit knows By signs gracious as rainbows. I thenceforward and long after, Listen for their harp-like laughter And carry in my heart, for days, Peace that hallows rudest ways.