


你那琐碎的竖琴,永远不能使我渴望的耳朵高兴或满足;它的和弦应该像微风一样响起,自由,果断,清晰。没有丁当的小夜曲艺术,也没有丁当的琴弦,能使狂野的血液在它神秘的泉源里涌动。伟大的吟游诗人必须像用锤子或权杖一样,粗鲁而有力地敲击琴弦,这样它们才能发出传达太阳轨道秘密的巧妙的雷声,发出超级太阳火焰的火花。梅林的打击是命运的打击,与森林的音调齐鸣,当树枝在树林中互相碰撞;与被冰囚禁的洪水的喘息和呻吟相呼应;伴随着男人的心跳,伴随着演说家的声音,伴随着城市艺术的喧嚣,伴随着战争的炮火。伴随着勇者的脚步,和烈士洞穴里的祈祷。艺术是伟大的,诗人的举止是伟大的!他的头脑不会被韵律和数字的盘绕所束缚,他会抛开条条框框和苍白的思虑,为自己的韵律而攀登:进去吧,进去吧,天使说,进到上面的门; Nor count compartments of the floors, But mount to Paradise By the stairway of surprise. Blameless master of the games, King of sport that never shames; He shall daily joy dispense Hid in song's sweet influence. Things more cheerly live and go, What time the subtle mind Plays aloud the tune whereto Their pulses beat, And march their feet, And their members are combined. By Sybarites beguiled He shall no task decline; Merlin's mighty line, Extremes of nature reconciled, Bereaved a tyrant of his will, And made the lion mild. Songs can the tempest still, Scattered on the stormy air, Mould the year to fair increase, And bring in poetic peace. He shall not seek to weave, In weak unhappy times, Efficacious rhymes; Wait his returning strength, Bird, that from the nadir's floor, To the zenith's top could soar, The soaring orbit of the muse exceeds that journey's length! Nor, profane, affect to hit Or compass that by meddling wit, Which only the propitious mind Publishes when 'tis inclined. There are open hours When the god's will sallies free, And the dull idiot might see The flowing fortunes of a thousand years; Sudden, at unawares, Self-moved fly-to the doors, Nor sword of angels could reveal What they conceal.