


它落在沉思的灵魂审视的远古时期,或者是狂野的时间把自己铸成历法的月份和日子。这就是乌列在天堂里发生的过失。有一次,在昴宿星间散步时,赛义德无意中听到年轻的众神在说话;在他的耳朵里,他的叛国罪是显而易见的。年轻的神灵们讨论着形式、韵律、天球、精华和阳光的法则,什么是存在的,什么是看起来的。一个人,用低沉的声调,斩断了疑义,藐视了威严,用一种目光,驱散了苍穹,激起了到处的魔鬼,把他的感情用神圣的方式,反对一条线的存在。“在自然界中找不到直线;单位和宇宙都是圆的;徒劳的生产,所有的光线返回;邪恶会保佑,冰雪会燃烧。” As Uriel spoke with piercing eye, A shudder ran around the sky; The stern old war-gods shook their heads; The seraphs frown'd from myrtle-beds; Seem'd to the holy festival The rash word boded ill to all; The balance-beam of Fate was bent; The bounds of good and ill were rent; Strong Hades could not keep his own, But all slid to confusion. A sad self-knowledge withering fell On the beauty of Uriel; In heaven once eminent, the god Withdrew that hour into his cloud; Whether doom'd to long gyration In the sea of generation, Or by knowledge grown too bright To hit the nerve of feebler sight. Straightway a forgetting wind Stole over the celestial kind, And their lips the secret kept, If in ashes the fire-seed slept. But, now and then, truth-speaking things Shamed the angels' veiling wings; And, shrilling from the solar course, Or from fruit of chemic force, Procession of a soul in matter, Or the speeding change of water, Or out of the good of evil born, Came Uriel's voice of cherub scorn, And a blush tinged the upper sky, And the gods shook, they knew not why