


回到家,我穿着法兰绒长衫,像熊一样爬上了床;我一整夜都在航行,沿着地球上不可能到达的地方航行,最后,带着我的黑胡子,我的毛皮和我的狗,我站在了北极。在那孩童般的夜晚,我的同伴们冻僵了,僵硬的皮毛敲打着我饥饿的喉咙,我长叹一声:雪花簇簇而来,这真的是我的结局吗?在黑暗中,我转身休息。在这里,旗帜在未破冰的耀眼和寂静中折断。我站在这里,狗叫,我的胡子是黑色的,我盯着北极…现在呢?啊,回去吧。随我的意思转身,我的脚步要向南走。世界——我的世界——在这寒冷和悲惨的终点站上旋转;我终于发现,所有的绳索,所有的风,都终结在这漩涡里。 And it is meaningless. In the child's bed After the night's voyage, in that warm world Where people work and suffer for the end That crowns the pain—in that Cloud-Cuckoo-Land I reached my North and it had meaning. Here at the actual pole of my existence, Where all that I have done is meaningless, Where I die or live by accident alone— Where, living or dying, I am still alone; Here where North, the night, the berg of death Crowd me out of the ignorant darkness, I see at last that all the knowledge I wrung from the darkness—that the darkness flung me— Is worthless as ignorance: nothing comes from nothing, The darkness from the darkness. Pain comes from the darkness And we call it wisdom. It is pain. Anonymous submission.