


沃塞威克温泉一点也不豪华。有人在小溪上放了几块木板。就是这样。木板挡住了小溪,在那里形成了一个巨大的浴缸,小溪从木板上流过,像明信片一样被邀请到千里之外的海洋。就像我说的,沃塞威克一点也不奇特,不像波涛汹涌的地方。周围没有建筑。我们看见一只旧鞋躺在浴缸旁边。温泉从山上流下来,流过的地方有一层明亮的橙色浮渣穿过山艾树丛。温泉就流到浴盆旁的小溪里,那里很舒服。我们把车停在土路上,下车脱下衣服,然后我们脱下婴儿的衣服,鹿蝇一直追着我们,直到我们下水,然后它们就停了下来。 There was a green slime growing around the edges of the tub and there were dozens of dead fish floating in our bath. Their bodies had been turned white by death, like frost on iron doors. Their eyes were large and stiff. The fish had made the mistake of going down the creek too far and ending up in hot water, singing, "When you lose your money, learn to lose." We played and relaxed in the water. The green slime and the dead fish played and relaxed with us and flowed out over us and entwined themselves about us. Splashing around in that hot water with my woman, I began to get ideas, as they say. After a while I placed my body in such a position in the water that the baby could not see my hard-on. I did this by going deeper and deeper in the water, like a dinosaur, and letting the green slime and dead fish cover me over. My woman took the baby out of the water and gave her a bottle and put her back in the car. The baby was tired. It was really time for her to take a nap. My woman took a blanket out of the car and covered up the windows that faced the hot springs. She put the blanket ontop of the car and then lay rocks on the blanket to hold it in place. I remember her standing there by the car. Then she came back to the water, and the deerflies were at her, and then it was my turn. After a while she said, "I don't have my diaphragm with me and besides it wouldn't work in the water, anyway. I think it's a good idea if you don't come inside me. What do you think?" I thought this over and said all right. I didn't want any more kids for a long time. The green slime and dead fish were all about our bodies. I remember a dead fish floated under her neck. I waited for it to come up on the other side, and it came up on the other side. Worsewick was nothing fancy. Then I came, and just cleared her in a split secondlike an airplane in the movies, pulling out of a nosedive and sail- ing over the roof of a school. My sperm came out into the water, unaccustomed to the light, and instantly it became a misty, stringy kind of thing and swirled out like a falling star, and I saw a dead fishcome forward and float into my sperm, bending it in the middle. His eyes were stiff like iron.