


我啊!这个小暴君!当我的心在玩耍时,他抓住它飞走了,嘲笑我所有的祈祷。2他骄傲地打量着它,好奇地试探着,虽然他看见它伤痕累累,残忍的人,他还是伤害了它。3现在这颗心是他的全部玩物,他把它当作一个球,从手到胸前,从胸前到嘴唇,把它的一切都弄得乱七八糟。然后他立起来当作顶,可怜地鞭打他;有时他把它打扮得漂漂亮亮,有时又把它剥得干干净。他用虚假的浮雕来掩盖它,这是光荣的表现; And for a morning-cushionet On's mother he bestow'd it. VI. Each day, with her small brazen stings, A thousand times she rac'd it; But then at night, bright with her gemmes, Once neere her breast she plac'd it. VII. There warme it gan to throb and bleed; She knew that smart, and grieved; At length this poore condemned heart With these rich drugges repreeved. VIII. She washt the wound with a fresh teare, Which my LUCASTA dropped, And in the sleave-silke of her haire 'Twas hard bound up and wrapped. IX. She proab'd it with her constancie, And found no rancor nigh it; Only the anger of her eye Had wrought some proud flesh by it. X. Then prest she narde in ev'ry veine, Which from her kisses trilled; And with the balme heald all its paine, That from her hand distilled. XI. But yet this heart avoyds me still, Will not by me be owned; But's fled to its physitian's breast; There proudly sits inthroned.