


与欢乐的光之鸟同飞,它发出第三次退向黑夜的声音;美丽的阿玛兰塔从她的床上羞愧地跳了起来,红得像被炭香覆盖的早晨,她现在唾弃了那羞红的袍子,披上了愤怒的灰袍,而她,神所羡慕的,摆着她的四肢,实在太富有了,不能在这样的杂草中供奉;虽然可爱,虽然狭窄,但很合适;不是为她而造,而是她为它而造;天生,它安全而自由,就像正义的树皮对着树一样;不像城里那些爱的殉道者,整天裹着袍子,他们穿的不是衣服,而是丝绸,只裹着一个框子或罩子,有了那样的自由和空间,死者在坟墓里长眠。橱柜里没有奇怪的洗涤用品、膀胱和香水;这里没有有毒的水,墨丘利被驱逐出了这个星球,她的眼睛就是这一切,她用湿漉漉的眼镜来清洗和观察她的脸。遥远的地方,所有伊比利亚的气息,热的护身符,波曼德的咒语,芬芳的风,凉爽的天气,她肉体的清新自然的气味,宣告她从子宫里就像早晨一样甜美。那些彩色的东西是造出来的,不是运来的。在他们狭窄的海峡里,看起来就像他们自己的假货。她走起路来就像普罗旺斯的玫瑰,开着红晕,开着翠绿的花梗; Th' officious wind her loose hayre curles, The dewe her happy linnen purles, But wets a tresse, which instantly Sol with a crisping beame doth dry. Into the garden is she come, Love and delight's Elisium; If ever earth show'd all her store, View her discolourd budding floore; Here her glad eye she largely feedes, And stands 'mongst them, as they 'mong weeds; The flowers in their best aray As to their queen their tribute pay, And freely to her lap proscribe A daughter out of ev'ry tribe. Thus as she moves, they all bequeath At once the incense of their breath. The noble Heliotropian Now turnes to her, and knowes no sun. And as her glorious face doth vary, So opens loyall golden Mary Who, if but glanced from her sight, Straight shuts again, as it were night. The violet (else lost ith' heap) Doth spread fresh purple for each step, With whose humility possest, Sh' inthrones the Poore Girle in her breast: The July-flow'r that hereto thriv'd, Knowing her self no longer-liv'd, But for one look of her upheaves, Then 'stead of teares straight sheds her leaves. Now the rich robed Tulip who, Clad all in tissue close, doth woe Her (sweet to th' eye but smelling sower), She gathers to adorn her bower. But the proud Hony-suckle spreads Like a pavilion her heads, Contemnes the wanting commonalty, That but to two ends usefull be, And to her lips thus aptly plac't, With smell and hue presents her tast. So all their due obedience pay, Each thronging to be in her way: Faire Amarantha with her eye Thanks those that live, which else would dye: The rest, in silken fetters bound, By crowning her are crown and crown'd. And now the sun doth higher rise, Our Flora to the meadow hies: The poore distressed heifers low, And as sh' approacheth gently bow, Begging her charitable leasure To strip them of their milkie treasure. Out of the yeomanry oth' heard, With grave aspect, and feet prepar'd, A rev'rend lady-cow drawes neare, Bids Amarantha welcome here; And from her privy purse lets fall A pearle or two, which seeme[s] to call This adorn'd adored fayry To the banquet of her dayry. Soft Amarantha weeps to see 'Mongst men such inhumanitie, That those, who do receive in hay, And pay in silver twice a day, Should by their cruell barb'rous theft Be both of that and life bereft. But 'tis decreed, when ere this dies, That she shall fall a sacrifice Unto the gods, since those, that trace Her stemme, show 'tis a god-like race, Descending in an even line From heifers and from steeres divine, Making the honour'd extract full In Io and Europa's bull. She was the largest goodliest beast, That ever mead or altar blest; Round [w]as her udder, and more white Then is the Milkie Way in night; Her full broad eye did sparkle fire; Her breath was sweet as kind desire, And in her beauteous crescent shone, Bright as the argent-horned moone. But see! this whiteness is obscure, Cynthia spotted, she impure; Her body writheld, and her eyes Departing lights at obsequies: Her lowing hot to the fresh gale, Her breath perfumes the field withall; To those two suns that ever shine, To those plump parts she doth inshrine, To th' hovering snow of either hand, That love and cruelty command. After the breakfast on her teat, She takes her leave oth' mournfull neat Who, by her toucht, now prizeth her life, Worthy alone the hollowed knife.