


这里有神圣的脚步,就像大地一样,它必须用深邃的目光和忧伤的面容来供奉这位圣人,就像你披着的黑面纱,被处女们压着,轻轻地,轻轻地靠近;走进这间屋子的小厢房,每个苍白的客人站在那里,都有一座活坟;用颤抖的双手,把这大地移到它最后的死亡和第一次胜利的诞生:让争斗的树胶和熏香散发出来,进入灵车,给它注入新的生命;当你走的时候,把你的草原和鲜花混在一起,当它们很快凋谢时,它们将诉说你的悲伤。当你把你的蜡烛放在她的骨灰盒上,哭泣和哀悼是多么可怜的贡品!当你失去一件小事,或者更少的是,你的意志,你的眼窝就会被淹没。如果你配得上这些葬礼,对世界视而不见,垂下你的眼睛;浪费吧,消耗吧,像这燃尽了的火,心甘情愿地熄灭;穿过寒冷阴暗的窄路,然后在天的春天点燃你们的火把,在那里,她在你们的胜利中获得胜利。只有这样的欢乐,这样的庄严,才成为这童贞的葬礼。 Or, if you faint to be so blest, oh heare! If not to dye, dare but to live like her: Dare to live virgins, till the honour'd age Of thrice fifteen cals matrons on the stage, Whilst not a blemish or least staine is scene On your white roabe 'twixt fifty and fifteene; But as it in your swathing-bands was given, Bring't in your winding sheet unsoyl'd to Heav'n. Daere to do purely, without compact good, Or herald, by no one understood But him, who now in thanks bows either knee For th' early benefit and secresie. Dare to affect a serious holy sorrow, To which delights of pallaces are narrow, And, lasting as their smiles, dig you a roome, Where practise the probation of your tombe With ever-bended knees and piercing pray'r, Smooth the rough passe through craggy earth to ay'r; Flame there as lights that shipwrackt mariners May put in safely, and secure their feares, Who, adding to your joyes, now owe you theirs. Virgins, if thus you dare but courage take To follow her in life, else through this lake Of Nature wade, and breake her earthly bars, Y' are fixt with her upon a throne of stars, Arched with a pure Heav'n chrystaline, Where round you love and joy for ever shine. But you are dumbe, as what you do lament More senseles then her very monument, Which at your weaknes weeps. Spare that vaine teare, Enough to burst the rev'rend sepulcher. Rise and walk home; there groaning prostrate fall, And celebrate your owne sad funerall: For howsoe're you move, may heare, or see, YOU ARE MORE DEAD AND BURIED THEN SHEE.