


从你那黑色房间的可怕的纪念碑里,你现在进入了那圣洁的火焰,就像进入了地球上所有子宫的最深处。2神圣的卢卡斯塔,就像神圣真理的光芒,穿过这条西米利亚的道路,而你的光束的所有标准显示。3起来,爬上我们最白、最高的山;在那里,你悲伤的思绪被欢乐和惊奇填满,看见大海平静如大地,大地如你的意志。四。看哪!闪电像一根细锥子飞过,把你的车子包裹起来,却羞得发黄,看见它被你的眼睛美化了。V.威吓而狂暴的暴风雨轻轻地鞠躬,在柔和的小径上向你的脚步分开,而现在,除了你的额上,无处挂着一朵云。在你的眼皮间,没有别的露珠,也没有冰冷的雪,只有你更洁白纯洁的胸怀,当被锁链锁住的风因为悲伤而吹得更冷。 VII. Shrill trumpets doe only sound to eate, Artillery hath loaden ev'ry dish with meate, And drums at ev'ry health alarmes beate. VIII. All things Lucasta, but Lucasta, call, Trees borrow tongues, waters in accents fall, The aire doth sing, and fire is musicall. IX. Awake from the dead vault in which you dwell, All's loyall here, except your thoughts rebell Which, so let loose, often their gen'rall quell. X. See! she obeys! By all obeyed thus, No storms, heats, colds, no soules contentious, Nor civill war is found; I meane, to us. XI. Lovers and angels, though in heav'n they show, And see the woes and discords here below, What they not feele, must not be said to know.