


即Lucasta。告诉我,亚历克西斯,这离别是什么,像死一样,不是吗?亚历克西斯。这是一阵狂喜,直到仁慈,你怎么叫我们离开。合唱。如果灵魂只是迷失了方向,就让我的灵魂飞向你的怀抱,让我的灵魂飞向你的灵魂吧:这样,在我们家乡的座位上,我们高兴地把我们的权利交给一个我们能更好地生活的地方。2陆。可是啊,这个铃响,杀人的告别!死亡伤得快,伤得好。 Alex. It is the glory of a valiant lover, Still to be dying, still for to recover. Cho. Soldiers suspected of their courage goe, That ensignes and their breasts untorne show: Love nee're his standard, when his hoste he sets, Creates alone fresh-bleeding bannerets. III. Alex. But part we, when thy figure I retaine Still in my heart, still strongly in mine eye? Lu. Shadowes no longer than the sun remaine, But his beams, that made 'em, fly, they fly. Cho. Vaine dreames of love! that only so much blisse Allow us, as to know our wretchednesse; And deale a larger measure in our paine By showing joy, then hiding it againe. IV. Alex. No, whilst light raigns, LUCASTA still rules here, And all the night shines wholy in this sphere. Lu. I know no morne but my ALEXIS ray, To my dark thoughts the breaking of the day. Chorus. Alex. So in each other if the pitying sun Thus keep us fixt, nere may his course be run! Lu. And oh! if night us undivided make; Let us sleepe still, and sleeping never wake! The close. Cruel ADIEUS may well adjourne awhile The sessions of a looke, a kisse, or smile, And leave behinde an angry grieving blush; But time nor fate can part us joyned thus.