


事实上,我坚信,那个野男孩已经长大成人了,他所有的孩子气都烟消云散了,自从卢卡斯塔把他的火扇了起来;他已经离开了他的鱼尾舞,把他的心鞭打得像吉他手:因为有一天我听见他发誓说,美应该在荣誉的宝座上加冕。2他以一种多么真实和神圣的姿态来完成他那光荣的飞镖,现在他已经洗净了虚伪、血腥和仇恨,又重新披上了纯真!爱是正义的化身,把残酷的毁灭;旧的律例颠倒过来了;看哪!他威严地坐着。3在卢卡斯塔的眼中,他审视着我们的信仰和心灵; Then measures them by sympathy, And each to th' others breast convey; Whilst to his altars now The frozen vestals bow, And strickt Diana too doth go A-hunting with his fear'd, exchanged bow. IV. Th' imbracing seas and ambient air Now in his holy fires burn; Fish couple, birds and beasts in pair Do their own sacrifices turn. This is a miracle, That might religion swell; But she, that these and their god awes, Her crowned self submits to her own laws.