


“这个著名的邪恶小故事不应该被出售,这对我来说是一个谜,为什么慈爱的父母看不到这实际上是一本关于一个无耻的小骗子的书……”“…现在想象一下,如果你煮了一顿美味的饭,美味的粥,热气腾腾,咖啡壶里的新鲜咖啡,也许还有烤面包和果酱,桌子摆放得很漂亮,一个地方给你,一个地方给爸爸,另一个地方给你的小家伙。然后爸爸叫道:“天哪!哎呀奇才!“哦,天啊! !这粥多热啊!"我们沿街散步吧" "直到天凉了可以吃东西"他补充说,“清晨散步”总体上对人有好处。“它能改善你的食欲,还能帮助你排便。”没有一个正派的妻子敢对这样明智的建议提出质疑,尤其是在早餐的时候?人很少处于壮年时期。 No sooner are you down the road Than Goldilocks, that little toad That nosey thieving little louse, Comes sneaking in your empty house....' '...(Here comes the next catastrophe.) Most educated people choose To rid themselves of socks and shoes Before they clamber into bed. But Goldie didn't give a shred. Her filthy shoes were thick with grime, And mud and mush and slush and slime. Worse still, upon the heel of one Was something that a dog had done. I say once more, what would you think If all this horrid dirt and stink Was smeared upon your eiderdown By this revolting little clown? (The famous story has no clues To show the girl removed her shoes.) Oh, what a tale of crime on crime! Let's check it for a second time. Crime One, the prosecution's case: She breaks and enters someone's place. Crime Two, the prosecutor notes: She steals a bowl of porridge oats. Crime Three: She breaks a precious chair Belonging to the Baby Bear. Crime Four: She smears each spotless sheet With filthy messes from her feet. A judge would say without a blink, 'Ten years hard labour in the clink!' But in the book, as you will see, The little beast gets off scot?free, While tiny children near and far Shout 'Goody?good! Hooray! Hurrah!' 'Poor darling Goldilocks!' they say, 'Thank goodness that she got away!' Myself, I think I'd rather send Young Goldie to a sticky end. 'Oh daddy!' cried the Baby Bear, 'My porridge gone! It isn't fair!' 'Then go upstairs,' the Big Bear said, 'Your porridge is upon the bed. 'But as it's inside mademoiselle, 'You'll have to eat her up as well.'