
在这里你会发现Veruca Salt,小畜生诗人罗尔德·达尔的名字

Veruca Salt,小畜生

“维露卡·索特,那个小畜生,刚刚从垃圾槽里掉了下去。(我们认为,在这种情况下,我们应该把事情彻底搞清楚,这是完全正确的。我们把她的父母也干掉了。)维露卡倒下了!倒进下水道!在这里,也许我们应该解释一下她在堕落的过程中,会遇到一群完全不同于她抛弃的朋友?这些不会这么精致。比如,今天早上从大比目鱼身上切下来的鱼头。“你好!早上好!你好!见到你真高兴! How are you?' And then a little further down A mass of others gather round: A bacon rind, some rancid lard, A loaf of bread gone stale and hard, A steak that nobody could chew, An oyster from an oyster stew, Some liverwurst so old and gray One smelled it from a mile away, A rotten nut, a reeky pear, A thing the cat left on the stair, And lots of other things as well, Each with a rather horrid smell. These are Veruca's new found friends That she will meet as she descends, And this is the price she has to pay For going so very far astray. But now, my dears, we think you might Be wondering?is it really right That every single bit of blame And all the scolding and the shame Should fall upon Veruca Salt? Is she the only one at fault? For though she's spoiled, and dreadfully so, A girl can't spoil herself, you know. Who spoiled her, then? Ah, who indeed? Who pandered to her every need? Who turned her into such a brat? Who are the culprits? Who did that? Alas! You needen't look so far To find out who these sinners are. They are (and this is very sad) Her loving parents, MUM and DAD. And that is why we're glad they fell Into the garbage chute as well.'