


你昨晚听到的,那就是我,那时根本没有月亮升起,也没有一颗小小的行星,刺穿那紧绷的天幕:生命死了,光也死了。2苍蝇没有一点闪光,虫子没有一点微光;当蟋蟀停止鸣叫,当猫头鹰停止鸣叫,你听到了音乐;这是我。大地在睡梦中痛苦地翻来复去,渴望着证据:闪电,在天堂里进进出出!——它打破了屋顶,血迹斑斑,几滴雨。我的言语所能表达的,啊,我的爱,我的一切,我的唯一!歌唱对诗句的帮助最大,当歌唱最好的时候,我把其余的留给我的琵琶。黑夜就这样过去了;东方是灰色的,宽面铁杉花是白色的。 Ere its first of heavy hours Found me, I had passed away. VI. What became of all the hopes, Words and song and lute as well? Say, this struck you---``When life gropes ``Feebly for the path where fell ``Light last on the evening slopes, VII. ``One friend in that path shall be, ``To secure my step from wrong; ``One to count night day for me, ``Patient through the watches long, ``Serving most with none to see.'' VIII. Never say---as something bodes--- ``So, the worst has yet a worse! ``When life halts 'neath double loads, ``Better the taskmaster's curse ``Than such music on the roads! IX. ``When no moon succeeds the sun, ``Nor can pierce the midnight's tent ``Any star, the smallest one, ``While some drops, where lightning rent, ``Show the final storm begun--- X. ``When the fire-fly hides its spot, ``When the garden-voices fail ``In the darkness thick and hot,--- ``Shall another voice avail, ``That shape be where these are not? XI. ``Has some plague a longer lease, ``Proffering its help uncouth? ``Can't one even die in peace? ``As one shuts one's eyes on youth, ``Is that face the last one sees?'' XII. Oh how dark your villa was, Windows fast and obdurate! How the garden grudged me grass Where I stood---the iron gate Ground its teeth to let me pass!