


。游行。肯特郡的宾爵士站在他的国王面前,命令那头低垂的议会摇摆起来:他逼迫一支不能低头的军队,看着那些无赖们得意忘形,看着正直的人们颓废颓废,他率领五十个强壮、善良的绅士,高唱着这首歌,一路前行。2上帝保佑查理国王!皮姆和这样的颂歌,致那些促使他们叛国的魔鬼!骑士,起来!嘴唇离开杯子,手离开馅饼,不要咬,不要喝,直到你——合唱。五十个强壮而伟大的绅士,唱着这首歌,向前走着。3汉普顿下地狱,他的丧钟为哈泽里格,费因斯,还有小哈利效命! England, good cheer! Rupert is near! Kentish and loyalists, keep we not here CHORUS.---Marching along, fifty-score strong, Great-hearted gentlemen, singing this song? IV. Then, God for King Charles! Pym and his snarls To the Devil that pricks on such pestilent carles! Hold by the right, you double your might; So, onward to Nottingham, fresh for the fight, CHORUS.---March we along, fifty-score strong, Great-hearted gentlemen, singing this song! II. GIVE A ROUSE. I. King Charles, and who'll do him right now? King Charles, and who's ripe for fight now? Give a rouse: here's, in hell's despite now, King Charles! II. Who gave me the goods that went since? Who raised me the house that sank once? Who helped me to gold I spent since? Who found me in wine you drank once? CHORUS.---King Charles, and who'll do him right now? King Charles, and who's ripe for fight now? Give a rouse: here's, in hell's despite now, King Charles! III. To whom used my boy George quaff else, By the old fool's side that begot him? For whom did he cheer and laugh else, While Noll's damned troopers shot him? CHORUS.---King Charles, and who'll do him right now? King Charles, and who's ripe for fight now? Give a rouse: here's, in hell's despite now, King Charles! III. BOOT AND SADDLE. I. Boot, saddle, to horse, and away! Rescue my castle before the hot day Brightens to blue from its silvery grey, CHORUS.---Boot, saddle, to horse, and away! II. Ride past the suburbs, asleep as you'd say; Many's the friend there, will listen and pray ``God's luck to gallants that strike up the lay--- CHORUS.---``Boot, saddle, to horse, and away!'' III. Forty miles off, like a roebuck at bay, Flouts Castle Brancepeth the Roundheads'array: Who laughs, ``Good fellows ere this, by my fay, CHORUS.---``Boot, saddle, to horse, and away!'' IV. Who? My wife Gertrude; that, honest and gay, Laughs when you talk of surrendering, ``Nay! ``I've better counsellors; what counsel they? CHORUS.---``Boot, saddle, to horse, and away!''