


我被悲伤所压迫,被忧虑所压迫,这是我无法承受的重担,我躺下叹息:啊,生命!对像我这样的可怜虫来说,你是个累赘的包袱,走在一条崎岖不堪的路上!当我把目光投向朦胧的后方,多么恶心的景象出现了!还有什么痛苦会刺透我,我害怕得太正当了!依旧牵挂,绝望,这一定是我苦涩的宿命;我在这里的痛苦永远不会结束,只有随着坟墓的关闭!快乐啊,忙碌生活的儿子们,你与喧嚣的斗争相等,别无他法!即使愿望落空,只要忙着去做,它们也有它们的报偿:而我,一个失去希望的黑夜,一个没有目标的黑夜,遇到每一个忧伤的夜晚,又遇到不快乐的早晨;你,熙熙攘攘,忘记了每一个悲伤和痛苦;我无精打采,却又焦躁不安,觉得每一个期望都是徒劳的。 How blest the Solitary's lot, Who, all-forgetting, all-forgot, Within his humble cell, The cavern wild with tangling roots, Sits o'er his newly-gather'd fruits, Beside his crystal well! Or, haply, to his ev'ning thought, By unfrequented stream, The ways of men are distant brought, A faint collected dream: While praising, and raising His thoughts to heav'n on high, As wand'ring, meand'ring, He views the solemn sky. Than I, no lonely hermit plac'd Where never human footstep trac'd, Less fit to play the part; The lucky moment to improve, And just to stop, and just to move, With self-respecting art: But ah! those pleasures, loves, and joys, Which I too keenly taste, The Solitary can despise, Can want, and yet be blest! He needs not, he heeds not, Or human love or hate, Whilst I here must cry here, At perfidy ingrate! Oh! enviable, early days, When dancing thoughtless pleasure's maze, To care, to guilt unknown! How ill exchang'd for riper times, To feel the follies, or the crimes Of others, or my own ! Ye tiny elves that guiltless sport Like linnets in the bush, Ye little know the ills ye court, When manhood is your wish! The losses, the crosses, That active man engage The fears all, the tears all, Of dim-declining age!